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Hilo iniciado por grumpy4263

Guy Rump
Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
6 16 February, 15:49
Guy Rump Autor
Another older kit to start after the RAF Hudson. 🙂
 16 February, 15:50
Matti Thomaes
I'll follow, probably one of the most whaky aircraft of WW2.
 16 February, 21:40
I'm in
 17 February, 07:09
Guy Rump Autor
Today I made a start on the BV 141, cockpit painted with Vazllejo Model Air RLM02. Crew added. 🙂

Welcome Matti & Finn, hopefully this strange aircraft will take shape soon. 👍

Many thanks mates for your interest and likes Lukasz G & Franck G. 👍
 9 March, 17:29
Djordje Nikolic
I hope that model doesn't cause too much trouble. I've never seen it done so I'm looking forward to it!
 14 March, 04:28

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