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Hilo iniciado por Nornagest

Achim Ribbe
Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
6 21 October 2018, 08:30
Achim Ribbe Autor
Russia 1942 June/July Area Kursk/Woronesch
 21 October 2018, 09:50
Thx for the link
 27 October 2018, 07:54
Kim Branders
 27 October 2018, 10:11
Achim Ribbe Autor
So done a little progress
 2 November 2018, 17:55
Achim Ribbe Autor
still little steps but WIP
 19 November 2018, 17:49
Tom ...
 19 November 2018, 19:03
Achim Ribbe Autor
I put the lower hull and upper hull together. It doesnt fit. But I am not sure if I screwed it by myself.
 25 November 2018, 10:46
Achim Ribbe Autor
And darkgrey is a challenge to make good pictures
 25 November 2018, 10:47
Martin Bishop
Looking very nice. I like the look of that Lion Roar set, not seen that before.
 25 November 2018, 11:54
Bart Goesaert
Looking good so far. Love the wooden crates
 26 January 2019, 07:54
Rui S
Somehow I've missed this Excellent detail work 👍
 4 November 2020, 18:39
Mr James
Excellent work. The wooden crates are expertly done
 25 January, 16:29

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