base de datos de modelismo a escala | gestor de almacén

Hilo iniciado por Jan Goormans

Jan Goormans
will attend
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention in Putte
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention
BE Putte
8. Diciembre 2013
1 December 2013, 10:03
Jan Goormans Autor
the place to be next sunday !!!
 1 December 2013, 10:03
ill be there!
 1 December 2013, 20:36
Jean-Paul DEWAR
I'll be there too.
 1 December 2013, 20:49
Günther Debiscop
me 2.
 2 December 2013, 08:42
Peter Mollenhauer
I'm looking forward to visit this event, too.
 2 December 2013, 10:36
Jan Goormans Autor
top 🙂
 2 December 2013, 20:35

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