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Amazing Figure Modeler 66

Amazing Figure Modeler


Amazing Figure Modeler
66 | December-February 2019

Tabla de contenidos

Editorial | Page 2

by Terry J. Webb
An editorial from Editor Terry J. Webb

Review | Page 4
The Construction Zone

Model kit and product reviews

Build Report, 1:1  | Page 10
Anakin Skywalker

by John Allred
John unmasks Sideshow's 1:1 scale Prepaint.

Build Report, 1:28  | Page 14
The Need For Speed

by Jim James
Jim shows that it's a snap to model the "Star Wars" Speeders.
Star Wars: Solo
Imperial Patrol Speeder Build & Play with sound
Revell 1:28
06768 2018 Nuevos moldes
Star Wars: Solo
Han's Speeder Build & Play with lights & sound
Revell 1:28
06769 2018 Nuevos moldes

Build Report, 1:1  | Page 22

by Jerry Buchanan
Jerry shows you how he fabricated his own wearable Stormtrooper armor.

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 28
The Millennium Falcon

by Mark Myers
Bandai's Millennium Falcon looks ready for hyperdrive once Mark gets hold of it.
Star Wars Perfect Grade
Millennium Falcon
Bandai 1:72
0216384-40000 2017 Nuevos moldes

Build Report, 1:12  | Page 34

by Thad Rhodes
Thad makes a splash with his multi-Trooper diorama.
Shoretrooper Rogue One
Bandai 1:12
0210511 2016 Nuevos moldes

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 40
X-Wing Fighter

by Brian Ludden
X marks the spot with Brian and this amazing kit from Fine Molds.
X-Wing Fighter Incom Corporation T-65 X-Wing Space Superiority Fighter
Fine Molds 1:48
SW-9 2007 Nuevos moldes

Build Report, 1:6  | Page 46

by Steve Riojas
Steve time travels to the Third Reich for modeling inspiration-uber amazing.
Bandai 1:6
0210505 (2333773) 2016 Nuevos moldes

Build Report, 1:2700  | Page 52
Imperial Star Destroyer

by Lou Dalmaso
Lou makes sure The Empire gets plenty of fiber... fiber optics that is.
Imperial Star Destroyer
Revell 1:2700
06719 2017 Nueva caja

News | Page 56
It Came From The Garage

by Terry J. Webb
Terry J. Webb spotlights new hobby products.

Build Report, 1:12  | Page 60
Lack of Faith...

by Dave Prosser
Dave recreates the iconic entrance of Lord Vader with astounding success.
Darth Vader Dark Lord of the Sith
Bandai 1:12
0191408 (2259075) 2014 Nuevos moldes
Stormtrooper The Empire's Elite Soldiers
Bandai 1:12
0194379 (2259076) 2014 Nuevos moldes

Build Report | Page 68
The Modeling of Star Wars

by Jim Bertges
Jim takes you for an in-depth look at the actual props and models of "Star Wars".

Build Report | Page 76
Jabba's Joint

by Mike Wowczuk
Jabba's throne room is recreated with a lighthearded slant thanks to vintage Monster Shop superdeforms.