Sci-Fi & Fantasy Models 31

- Revista:
- Sci-Fi & Fantasy Models
- Número:
- 31 | October 1998
- Idioma:
- English
- 977135430201010
Tabla de contenidos
Editorial | Page 8Those wonderful toys (the Joker 1989)...
by Jean-Christophe CarbonelA history of Batman model kits
Review, 1:48 | Page 16At long last - the Jupiter II (Mark 1)
by Simon RoykirkSimon Roykirk reviews an injection kit some thirty years in the making
Review, 1:48 | Page 18Danger - Danger - seriously entertaining kit approaching!
by Simon RoykirkReview of AMT/Ertl's Lost In Space robot
Review | Page 19And now for something completely different - the Jupiter II (Mark II)
by Simon RoykirkReview of the latest kit incarnation of the classic spacecraft
Build Report | Page 21The making of the miniatures for HBO's "From The Earth To The Moon"
by Jim KeyPart Two
Build Report | Page 29Magic in Space
An exclusive portfolio: Part One. Geoff Topping in conversation with the staff of Shepperton Studios' The Magic Camera Company.
Build Report | Page 40Scratchbuilding ZERO X
by Greg MartinThe ZERO X spacecraft was featured in the 1966 movie "Thunderbirds Are Go!" which was based on the classic Gerry Anderson television series "Thunderbirds"
Review | Page 42Little man with a big badge
by John LaneA review of Terran Trader's Dredd deform and 1:1 scale Dredd badges
Review, 1:24 | Page 44Look at the bodywork on that...
by Bob GouldA review of Revell Monogram's Elvira's '58 Thunderbird Limited Edition injection moulded plastic kit

Elvira Mistress of the Dark
1958 Thunderbird with Fully Painted Figure Revell Monogram 1:24
85-2542 1997 Nuevas piezas Build Report | Page 46Wonderfest '98 a garage kit blast!
by Anthony TaylorBuild Report | Page 49The pressure cooker
by Mike RecciaA look at the demanding world of the professional modelmaker