mbc camouflage - 6. Ausstellung
8 September 2012, 18:15

Hi guys - here are the first pics... Will be more in the next (hours) days :-D:-D
8 September 2012, 18:31

Ok the next pics - enough for today - I had to prepare the next ones...🙂
9 September 2012, 16:55

Hi Mike, nice pics! Thanks for sharing. Wouldn't it be a good idea, if we could put pics of the same event somehow together?
9 September 2012, 17:51

Next round 🙂 - Look at pic 109 and 110. Looks fantastic to me!!
12 September 2012, 18:04

Pic (Model) 116 was a favourite of my son(with all the lightnings in the base).
12 September 2012, 19:09

Hey ,Holger
Iam looking forward to meet you someday on a convention 🙂
12 September 2012, 19:48

Thx, for sharing this nicce pictures! Koblenz is so near of my hometown Darmstadt, but I never was there. :/
13 September 2012, 10:04

@Dirk - Hope we meet us next year in Koblenz too. Markus will come. We will display next year again. It's really a nice event.
13 September 2012, 15:47

@Holger - Too far away from WR for you to come!!?? - Think we meet someday on an event. Would be surely nice to meet you.
13 September 2012, 15:49

Super Bilder, nur wo sind die mit den wampen drauf?
aber Nächstes Jahr sind dann wahrscheinlich wieder 3
13 September 2012, 16:25

@Frank - dieses Mal habe ich nicht fotografiert - Die Bilder hat alle Marina gemacht. Und ich habe noch 'ne ganze Ecke einzustellen - incl. einen Christian als Winner....
13 September 2012, 17:16

Wir hätten aber lieber ein Bild von Marina! Augie hat sich auch getraut. 🙂
13 September 2012, 19:02

13 September 2012, 19:07

I've also been there, but I obviously missed to discover some of the models. As Mike mentions pic 109, 110 is an interesting idea. I also like the BT-2 and, and, and....
13 September 2012, 19:29

@Acki - Ein Schelm wer Böses dabei denkt...:-D
@Frank - Mir tut langsam der Zeigefinger weh....
13 September 2012, 19:36

@Mike: Dann entspann Dich beim Bilder gucken. Hab den Link wiedergefunden, den Du gesucht hast: maximodelizm.com.ua/viewtopic.php?id=1305%2F
Jetzt aber ab damit in die Favouriten, sonst suchst Du wieder... 😉
13 September 2012, 19:42

Hi Mike, Marina did a really good job on these pics! Congratulations, Marina, and thanks for your efforts!
Pic 210 - is this one of the recent Zvezda parachutters? Looks good! Something more on my wishlist...?!
15 September 2012, 18:01

Hi Frank - I don't know what manufacturer produced the pa.ch. - During uploading the pics I believe I visited an other event. Crazy...:-D And a thank you from Marina...!!!
15 September 2012, 18:06

Hello mates - a nice sunny weekend comes to an end - and the photostream too...:-D. I've uploaded the last pics, including some photos from well restored military vehicles. Have fun...🙂
16 September 2012, 15:18

Hehe, and there are the heros and heroine of the event. Congratulations to the winners! and again more nice pictures.
My son would have liked "the game of kings".
16 September 2012, 19:45

Hallo Mike, die well restored vehicles sind die das auf Bild 251 ?
18 September 2012, 17:35

@ Frank
How can a bunch of guys look so good 🙂
19 September 2012, 15:06

Congratulations guys! Thanks for the photos, great show man! 😉
19 September 2012, 15:36

Thanks a lot guys - but believe me it was really a marathon reworking and uploading the pics...😉 Now my forefinger is bend and I've to restore it.:-D
@Lemmy - a very big thank you from Marina:-D and a thank you from the .......... rest😉
@Frank - I agree 100% with Markus...........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19 September 2012, 17:34

Hi Mike, thanks for posting the pics. Many eyecatchers!
@Markus: Can´t see a difference between the oldtimer and the guys...
19 September 2012, 18:04
Album info
The event lasts at the 25th of August in 2012. It is a not too big exhibition with a familar touch. We stayed here for the fourth time and we hoped that we can exhibit next year again - perhaps together with Markus 😉 . But this is the future... :-D
Hope the pics enjoy you...