The build
13 January 2013, 20:47

lol get comfortable frank, this could be interesting.. its been about 4 yrs since i did a tank last..
13 January 2013, 21:24

Since airplanes are usually far away from any dust and dirt, and if you don't want to do your Leopard as a factory-new vehicle, you could find some hints here: JSU-122S Construction | Album by Frank Krause (1:35)
13 January 2013, 21:30

Augie,you are in the hands of some great Tank Modelers here around!
13 January 2013, 21:33

Where are the first pics of your M5A1 , Mate !!😉
13 January 2013, 22:48

@Markus: Go easy on Acki. I has to recover from Holger's visit first!😉😉😉
13 January 2013, 22:59

Hi Augie!
This is going to be interesting! Will you use the markings from the box or are you planing something totally different? Something like a pink tank or so? Anyway, guys pass me the popcorn! Oh Duncan, can i have some peanuts?🙂
14 January 2013, 08:11

Well mates, every time I start a new kit I open the box. What do you do?😉
14 January 2013, 09:31

I just stare at the boxart,till a new kit arrives!(funny ,that must be the reason why my stash is growing bigger 🙂
14 January 2013, 09:49

augie i will watch your build,and maybe learn something about putting tanks together lol
14 January 2013, 10:16

Hi Guido,
yeah, come to the dark side!😉 I'm also building helicopters and it did not hurt...😉
If you want build a Belgian Leopard, the Leopard 1 A5 should be the easiest one to modify, I guess.
14 January 2013, 10:17

Ok, go ahead, Augie! I'll watch, whilst I prepare the 2nd track of mine.
14 January 2013, 18:46

I will stay tuned. Hope it will not fall from your bench😉 `🙂
14 January 2013, 19:20

Hi Augie, these classic Tamiyas are pure fun. Enjoy your trip. Opened a beer and waiting for the show.
14 January 2013, 21:48

Ohh Pink Panther !!!
They have last year the Leopard Tank on the railroad transport Wagon at Tank Museum in Munster Pink painted.
Thats look cool really hihihihi.....
14 January 2013, 22:16

oh god.. no.. not pink.. please..
Its bad enough i will be doing a PBY in pink..
14 January 2013, 22:18

Why not orange?
The dutch army did this some years ago.
If yous croll dwon you can see it.
15 January 2013, 14:27

Hey Augie, have you already decided what markings and colour you will apply? Cant wait to see you starting this one!🙂
15 January 2013, 15:48

Hi Augie, it's a Leopard 2, but what do you think about the "camo"?
15 January 2013, 17:12

Or if you don't want to go for a "whatif", how about this one?
15 January 2013, 17:16

Lol oh god guys...
soo many suggestions, and here was I thinking of doing it stock colours..
hmmm i think out of all of them.. franks 2 suggestions are most tempting 🙂
@ Aghis: Its armour... first time in about 4 yrs lol
15 January 2013, 18:46

i really see no need for camo,see a milka tank coming you would die laughing
16 January 2013, 13:51

Well, at least you get a lot of input and don't have to search for it... 😉
16 January 2013, 17:36

@Guido: There was a formula 1 car with 2 steering axles, very strange. I don't remember the type, so it's difficult for me to search. Well, in case of that one I probably could forget for a second "my" tanks and become weak... 😉
16 January 2013, 19:00

Nice, Augie! Looks like airbrushed, not (h)airbrushed! 😉
Hmmm, colour doesn't look bad to me. May be an idea darker, but only an idea.
20 January 2013, 20:28

Thanks Frank 🙂 all hand brushed
Colour i wasnt sure about.. some look lighter.. some darker..
Think i'll go with this shade as it is..
and suggestions on weathering welcome.
20 January 2013, 20:32

Well... Kinda changed already.. frank was right needed to be darker... so it is now
20 January 2013, 21:29

So... on Franks suggestion.. Darker green.. and i have found my track colour... which is rust.
Thought i;d try some rust on it... and got maybe a bit carried away
21 January 2013, 00:01

Rust, Augie? On a Leopard? I have to agree with Guido - a bit too much, sorry! The only rust on a Leopard in service could be found as a very thin layer on the metal parts of the tracks and only, when it wasn't moved a while.
Except... you're going to build one standing on a scratch yard...for a while...
But.... whatever you decide... I'm curious about your idea...
21 January 2013, 20:35

thanks guys.. i thought it was too heavy.. got carried away with how it looked lol
21 January 2013, 20:39

I wish I knew something about armor so I could make an intelligent comment. 🙂
21 January 2013, 21:49

Hehe its ok Bill. dont need to know the subject to comment.. go with what you think 🙂
I've added two more with some Lightening green to fade it wear it.. Aiming for a old.. warn tank look
21 January 2013, 22:05

Thanks Guido.. let me know what you think of the late two pics.. they are after i have lightened it from your and franks suggestions
21 January 2013, 22:16

Looking at the reference pics this will be a challenge, but looking at your model pics, I know, you will make it! Keep it going...! 😉
21 January 2013, 23:19

On this one.. yes.. i think so.. but i have many more armour.. so next one i will do colourful for you....
Of i'll get that PBY for Willy and do it PINK..
21 January 2013, 23:32

Uhuuu, one for me? I'm flattered! And a pink PBY with wing-fold for Willy... 😉 That'll be fun... Time for bed now. Good night!
21 January 2013, 23:54

Good morning, Augie! Another day started to do modelling (...after work... 🙁 ). Have fun! 😄
22 January 2013, 06:11

Hi Augie
Do you do this as a sort of pre shading or as weathering(wich would be a very early time for weathering!
Just curious 🙂
22 January 2013, 06:57

Hey Markus
Its sort of both.. i build in odd ways..
Updated pics.. turret progress, considering i am doing this one as a forgotten relic thats rusting somewhere... I like the looks so far
26 January 2013, 15:45

Good progress, Augie!
A German saying: Wer rastet, der rostet! Translated word by word: Who rests, rusts!
Hmm, but you are not resting, but still rusting...! 😄 😉 😉 😉 😄
26 January 2013, 16:13

Now I get it you want to to a rusty Leopard not a Leopard which is in an army. Then it looks good as it is 🙂
26 January 2013, 23:25

🙂 Thanks Cookie.. I added those to give an idea.. and it worked 🙂
glad its looking good...been a long time since i last did tanks
26 January 2013, 23:27

Hmmm good idea holly... some New pics of where i am upto with it.. soo much more rust..
29 January 2013, 19:35

"Rust in peace" will end up in "Rest in pieces" 😉
Good job, Augie! 👍 Be careful with the rust on the tracks, because they were mostly made of rubber. Visible metal parts are the end-connectors and track teeth.
30 January 2013, 08:20

I like that title holly, can i use it?
Crud.. your right frank.. too much rust in the tracks.. can use it as "undercoat"
I'm going to get some P/E flowers etc.. do a little dio for it..
30 January 2013, 20:10

yeah.. true.. it was.. but then I've actually enjoyed this crawler..
and a little bit of P/W foliage isnt as bad as the P/E for the Mig
30 January 2013, 20:57

hehe well.. for just paint on this one, i am happy with how the rust has come out.
2 February 2013, 11:38

thanks Chop chop 🙂 no new pics just sorting the tracks and mounting points for the usal tools hung off them...
3 February 2013, 22:17

Oh and i will eb posting pics soon of what the KV-9 and 1 will be painted to look like..
Hetzer, StugIII and KV-2 to follow
3 February 2013, 22:18

Soo.. Update..
3 New Pictures, With pigments added.. thanks to Acki
Have to say... if thats the effect pigments have... I like them a lot
10 February 2013, 10:43

Thanks Acki 🙂 i aslo made the tow wires to replace the molded ons suppied
10 February 2013, 10:59

Will you make some rusty holes and damages as the Leos on the beach have?
10 February 2013, 11:36

Not sure yet.. am mainly aiming at "rusty Relic" that's been put out to pasture..
10 February 2013, 12:03

Launch the polaris, the end will not scare us in this desease, The warheads will all "rust in peace" !;)
11 February 2013, 21:40

Lol thanks holly.. i know it maybe a but too much rust.. but i have to admit i like the look
11 February 2013, 21:48

It's your model Augie! And when you are satisfied, it's a good model!;)
11 February 2013, 21:59

hehe i blame acki... he sent me them 😉 i got carried away as they just wow..
11 February 2013, 22:01

That looks very well compared with the reference Pics you had posted.
Like the rust finish.
12 February 2013, 14:03
Album info
And here we go...