Australian Tempest -finished!
1 28 March 2013, 10:48

What a smooth build and paintjob! Really an example for your craftmanship! I like this Tempest a lot! Unfortunately i cant come to Heiden to see it live...
28 March 2013, 10:51

Stunning build Tempest.
It's a winner.
Greetings from KMK who also will be at Heiden. 🙂
28 March 2013, 11:00

Moin Olli , echte perfektion , die Tempest ist mein Favorit bei den Engländern , ich hab die noch im Bau , seit ca 3 jahren , grins , halt Eduard ....ansonsten , einfach schick 🙂
28 March 2013, 11:06

Thanks guys!
hope to see some of you in Heiden or Siegen/Germany or Veldhoven/Netherlands......IN France/Thionville we also are able to meet...
28 March 2013, 14:43

Yepp 🙂
i`ll evaluate your model in Heiden!
Ede is curious too!
See ya next weekend!
29 March 2013, 21:57
Album info
Hi every body,
here I want to show some pre pictures of my finished Tempest Mk.V which I will took to the exhibition of Heiden/Germany (EME) next week.