Flack panZer with many mistakes, sorry i was a fool
Photo 1 of 3
17 July 2013, 20:16

Looks fine to me! showing your stuff is always confronting...same goes for me and everybody here I guess...watch and learn (and be amazed by some of the others here!)
17 July 2013, 21:02

you are totally right later i show you how this model turn in to a better one, as i learn from you guys, godblesh you., your scale mate
17 July 2013, 21:11

. Except the spelling (it's "Flak Panzer" ) I spotted none 😉 Would be cool if you could add the kit to the album, so we/I can see what you used... just because I'm planing to build a "Wirbelwind" too, and couldn't decide which kit to use......
17 July 2013, 21:47

Looks real nice! Wish I could make something with many mistakes that looked like that!!
17 July 2013, 23:38

Very nice Wirbelwind. It´s the curse of the internet that we think our models aren`t good enough because we only see " perfect" models. I said to myself a few years ago " Fu.. it, it is my hobby, my time and my fun"
At least I don`t ruin a 100 Euro model with red primer 😉
18 July 2013, 08:12

Fabian, just ask and you get help, i have all that you need, special brass for the guns, they are from Lions roar
18 July 2013, 20:37

Hi Flemming, i was wondering which basic kit you used, the old tamiya/academy, the dragon or a different one?
Just in case you didn't know, most times there were just 2 guns fireing the other two were reloaded in the time, so they were able to fire without reloading break.
18 July 2013, 22:13

Fabian, thanks you are a wonderboy, i did not know. well the documentation i saw was in all 4 ports, what a sight, almost like ELO huh, thanks mate
19 July 2013, 09:09

"to wonder" = ask yourself 🙂
They tried to avoid fire pauses, just not to miss the aircraft in the perfect distance and angle. I guess a fast crew could manage it to fire all guns at least for some seconds
19 July 2013, 12:09

Fabian it gives sence, something to think about if you are in the wrong end of the buisness line of a 20 mm german steel pipe
19 July 2013, 12:30
Album info
Out of the box and to be happy 6 days of happyness and nothing else