(Almost finished ) Chinese panda need a cold Carlsberg beer
Photo 1 of 25
18 July 2013, 18:42

That´s strange but very nice! While taking a look at your albums I wonder wether you ever have been sleeping the last 12 month . 🙂 Nice Output so far...
18 July 2013, 19:43

I dont sleep, i suffer from POST, so its my way out of hell, my albatross was made in hospital, go take a look, but it felt to the floor. thanks for your kind words
18 July 2013, 19:45

I really like it, it's by far the strangest diorama i've ever seen.. But how do you do it? You managed to cram 48 hours in a single day?
18 July 2013, 19:46

Really nice idea for dio Flemming 🙂 can you help me... What is POST?
18 July 2013, 19:52

gordon, just to inform you , its the same beer in Tuborg or caarlsberg, its all about money
18 July 2013, 21:19

Same brewery, different shiny can? Wierd thing, the Tuborg I get here in Quebec is brewed in Turkey...
18 July 2013, 21:46

Guinness Extra Stout is the only one I drink. Doubt the Panda could handle it!
20 July 2013, 14:52

Hello Flemming, just had a look at your Albums- what a gifted and inimitable modeller you are! I am really delighted by your Panda-arama, one of the most refreshing and unusual modelwork I have seen yet.
21 July 2013, 20:05

Roland i am happy, thanks for the words, lets see it when i find some Real water to make the small lake alife
22 July 2013, 21:30

Man, You are really crazy! Perfect Idea and perfect work as well!!!
1 February 2014, 20:47

Christian, thank you for your compliments, did you find the 6 animals ?
2 February 2014, 04:37

A Panda, two fishes, one colourful crab... and a very green frog. Still one animal missing. Indeed, where is it? 🙂
2 February 2014, 09:08

A Panda, two fishes, one colourful crab, a very green frog... and an ant on the 3rd left leave of the sunflower 😉
Really a cool panda rama 👍
2 February 2014, 10:19

fabian, what about the bird lol, thanks for your words
2 February 2014, 10:37
Album info
In China the Panda lives in Sichuan, they are the most cute animal in the World. So i made this Panda rama about a thirsty
Panda that says this " That calls out for a carlsberg"