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Steve Bailey (FockeWulf190)

My Panzerwaffe


20 October 2013, 14:06
Dale Hutchinson
Very nicely done....makes me want to get back into doing some armor kits....some day!!! I still have a few in the stash.
 20 October 2013, 14:12
Hunter Cummins
I love this model so much
 20 October 2013, 14:48
Joerg R.
nice job Steve !!!
 20 October 2013, 14:53
james johnson
 20 October 2013, 15:27
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job!
 20 October 2013, 15:29
Hunter Cummins
I want more 😉
 15 December 2013, 19:22
Kim Branders
 16 December 2013, 07:22
Vorya hidaryan
Wow.nice job.especially the king tiger .
 16 December 2013, 07:57
Heico van der Heide
I like the Pzk IV!
 16 December 2013, 10:31
Hunter Cummins
These are just stunning my good sir 😄 keepem coming plzzzz🙂
 16 December 2013, 11:52
Sven Schönyan
Very well done Panzerwaffe! I especially like the Jagdpanther.
 16 December 2013, 16:45
Aghis Barberopoulos
Beautiful works, very well done!
 16 December 2013, 17:35
Hunter Cummins
Do you have any more builds to show or finished ones to show????
 2 January 2014, 15:33
Anthony Flanagan
Very, very well done.
 2 January 2014, 15:35
Michal Z.
nice! 🙂
 2 January 2014, 18:52
Steve Bailey Autor
Thanks guys.... I'll try to upload more pix when I can, I photographed much of my collection, but not all, and some that I DID photograph need to be re-photographed b'coz I'd just pulled some out of storage and neglected to re-attach some small bits that had come off, like the rear doors on my gold-medal winning Nashorn. Going to upload some of my aircraft pix soon, too.....
 2 January 2014, 20:02
Kevin Foureman
Very excellent builds!
 2 January 2014, 20:37
Jan Hazes
Absolutely jaw dropping! Excellent work! How did you create the rust effects on the exhausts?
 2 January 2014, 20:50
Hunter Cummins
What color did you use for the chippimg????? It looks amazimg 😄😄😄 cant wait for more 😄
 2 January 2014, 22:50
Mike K
Holy cow Steve! Utterly fantastic! Hey Hunter, now THIS guy is a pro!
 3 January 2014, 01:00
Hunter Cummins
He is a pro lol but your also a pro haha but he probably has like a tone of weathering know how and has top notch stuff lol
 3 January 2014, 01:02
Mike K
Maybe. But I get the feeling he could produce an award winner out of a pile of scrap! 🙂
 3 January 2014, 01:08
Hunter Cummins
Yea so do I lol I just wish for his skills 😄😄
 3 January 2014, 01:27
Steve Bailey Autor
Wow... again, thanks for the kind words, guys. Umm, let's see... rust effects and chipping... well, on something like exhausts, I have a variety of techniques I use, it depends on how rusty I want it, if it's damaged, etc. I tend to base coat in either a deeper mahogany brown or in the base color of the vehicle (usually Dunkelgelb for my Panzers), then set about creating patches of rust with micro-painting, combined with washes of varying viscosities using oil-paints or a blend of oil paints & enamels... I tend to just play with it til it looks "right". Have also occaisionally used both wet and dry pigments in conjunction with the above methods. As for the chipping.... again, I have no set pattern or method... sometimes it depends on the vehicle itself, for example, a Jagdpanther with nice big slab sides versus something that is festooned with lots of little details and not much room to work, like a Pz38(t) or a PzIII... I tend to just micropaint my chips, but have also used the salt method as paint resist. Its easy to over-do the salt method, so you gotta go lightly. But the colors vary, and again, depend on the vehicle and its color-scheme. For awhile I was using thin acrylic grays to begin with, then going back inside with flecks of the base- or camo-colors, plus oil washes and/or the so-called "filters"...but I've also used mid- to darker-browns for chipping as well. But I always go over them 3 or 4 times with other shades, or adding hints of rust (multiple shades)... the key is really mixing it up and having a wide variety of shades & tones so it doesnt look fake or too consistent..... Guys, I'm HARDLY a master at this stuff... and most of my techniques I copied from other great modelers along the way -- Makato Takaishi, Chris Mrosko, Tony Greenland, and hundreds of others... it just takes practice and imagination sometimes!
 3 January 2014, 05:11
Mike K
Hardly a master he says. Hah! Good one!
 3 January 2014, 06:32
Holger Kranich
Very very nice collection!
I love the Jagdpanther late! Wonderful how you replicated the faded paint!
 3 January 2014, 08:19
Hunter Cummins
Well steve to ma and mike you are 😉😄😄😄 and mike: haha I know right lol he is also a good joke teller haha
But steve you are a frofessional to me anyways 😄
 3 January 2014, 13:02
Frank Roth
Well done, like your works.....
 3 January 2014, 13:08
Steve Bailey Autor
@ Mike and Hunter... are you guys on FB? I have a lot more photos in the albums on my facebook page, if you wanna check em out, here's the link:
 3 January 2014, 14:43
Maarten Kruizenga
crikey, looks as if you could get in one and drive off with it
 3 January 2014, 15:29
Martyn Fox
Just looked through your album. Some really great inspiring builds. Excellent 🙂
 3 January 2014, 16:19
Mike K
Sent you a friend request on FB Steve.
 3 January 2014, 19:24
Hunter Cummins
Steve sadly I dont but isaw them on my friends FB 😄😄 soke reallygreat stuff there aswell 🙂🙂🙂
 3 January 2014, 19:56

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