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arsam hakhamaneshi (arsam)


Photo 1 of 5


28 November 2014, 19:18
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job!!
 28 November 2014, 19:54
I have it finished at home, but it doesn't took nearly as good as Yours. Excellent.
 29 November 2014, 07:23
Nice "DiamondBacks" 👍
 29 November 2014, 09:17
Christian Ristits
Great Scheme and great Build - congrats!
 29 November 2014, 09:49
Kerry COX
Es-haq, Did you apply your decals over a matt finish because I see just a little 'silvering ' under "Diamondbacks' on the right wing flap and under the 102 on the right side of the nose. Just wondering, other thatn that, I just love the paint and decals mate. Nicely done. 🙂
 29 November 2014, 10:14
arsam hakhamaneshi Autor
Thanks guys for the kind comments.
 29 November 2014, 14:18
Es-haq Khosravi
@Kerry: Thank you mate! But it is not mine! 🙂
 29 November 2014, 14:41
arsam hakhamaneshi Autor
dear Marko : would you please put some photos of your own "DiamondBacks" model ... 😉
 29 November 2014, 16:22
I've put photos of my DiamondBacks Super Hornet so You can check them out in my albums.
 30 November 2014, 09:04
arsam hakhamaneshi Autor
definitely your f-18 is better than mine ... !🙂
 30 November 2014, 20:57
Clifford Keesler
Awesome job.
 30 November 2014, 20:58
Ulf Petersen
What a beauty!👍
 1 December 2014, 06:32
Holger Kranich
Hey Arsam,

I have the kit, too. So, would you be so kind to tell me, what colour you used for the canopy? Its looking great!
 1 December 2014, 09:01
@arsam Thanks mate. You are very kind but I would say not very realistic.
Cheers. 🙂
 1 December 2014, 14:36
Kerry COX
Realistic ? Mmmmm. What DOES that mean ? Well I think it is a well put together model Arsam, and your presentation is neat and well presented. 🙂
 1 December 2014, 15:26
arsam hakhamaneshi Autor
thank you Holger ... i have used revell 330 aqua Fiery red .
 1 December 2014, 15:28
Vorya hidaryan
Nice work 👍
 1 December 2014, 15:34
arsam hakhamaneshi Autor
thanks alot for the comments mates 🙂
 1 December 2014, 15:41
@Kerry. It's regarding arsam's post about my Hornet being better than his. I think that's not the truth, and arsam is being very kind.
Anyway, I will say again, excellent job arsam. Cheers mate. 🙂
 1 December 2014, 15:47
Holger Kranich
Thanks Arsam! That was right what i wanted to know!👍
 1 December 2014, 15:48

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