Spitfire Mk1
2 12 April 2015, 20:10

Thanks guys. The cockpits OOB apart from the Quickboost resin seat which is superb. I feel you can sometimes spend a fortune on aftermarket parts that cannot then be visible once the kit is built.
13 April 2015, 21:33

True, one can get carried away quiet easily with these goodies.....
13 April 2015, 21:37

But you know it is there Martyn🙂 Excellent start - looking forward to your progress mate.
14 April 2015, 19:33

Thanks for the kind comments guys. Made some more progress today. The kit goes together very quickly once the cockpit tub is complete. Will update pics in due course 🙂
14 April 2015, 22:15

Hi Martyn. Great work on the cockpit and very nice for OOB, except for the seat. 👍 🙂
22 April 2015, 01:04

I can only echo all of the above comments Martyn, you have a 'deft' touch mate. 🙂 (Deft: definition, dexterous; nimble; skillful; clever: deft hands; a deft mechanic.)
22 April 2015, 01:08

It is usually the way it happens.
Once the "Office" is furnished, the rest is just pure joy. 🙂
great work Martyn. 🙂
6 May 2015, 21:32

Thanks guys for the kind words. Not much progress on this project lately ( Been on hols for a week) but should be getting back to the workbench now 🙂
6 May 2015, 22:30

Some progress. Decals added using Xtradecal and kit decals for stencils. Final coat of future ready for weathering stages.
17 May 2015, 19:40

Thanks for the comments guys. I see where your going with that one Kerry 🙂
18 May 2015, 16:34

Weathering using various filters/washs finished,along with subtle use of pigments. All sealed with a final coat of matt varnish and job done. It's been a pleasure to build,continuing the superb standard of resent Airfix kits.
30 May 2015, 11:57

Brilliant looking Spit, well presented with this little scene ! Very good paintjob and nice and subtle weathering!
30 May 2015, 12:16

Thanks guys. I built the Airfix earlier Spitfire Mk1 a few years ago when I got back into modelling. Since then I've read a lot of books and magazines to try and improve my skills,so I'll try and put up a comparison picture.
30 May 2015, 18:43

Thanks for the very kind comments guys. Just added a picture of the older mould Airfix Spitfire I built about 5 years ago along side the brand new mould.
31 May 2015, 19:24

Your right Choppa. It's interesting to judge a resent model against an older effort just to see how your modelling skills improve or not as the case may be 🙂 It also shows the improvement in available new materials and modelling techniques that you see in books and magazines.
31 May 2015, 21:28

Vast difference. I agree with Choppa, I learned stuff on the web that I had never heard of before or tried before. I can see a huge difference in stuff I built just a year ago, to what I am doing now, especially with the PE and resin goodies. A year ago I did not know such things existed, and I have been modeling since I was 8yrs old. So a great job!.
2 June 2015, 02:36

Very nice Spit, Martyn.👍
Only the base floor looks . . . well, like carpet. 😉
2 June 2015, 05:02

Thanks for the comments guys 🙂 I have to agree Ulf,regarding the carpet base. It's just a standard railway modellers grass mat that's I've dry brushed some highlights on. I've used the base as a kind of universal base to display some of my other models,so I might build a new custom one for this model.
2 June 2015, 19:23

Have you got any sheep in that scale Martyn ?, no, I am not being 'funny', I really mean it, as that would make the 'carpet' look like well manicured grass, as only sheep can do. 🙂 !
3 June 2015, 00:12

..... with a few crumbs of "chocolate" clumped together here and there ......... 😄
3 June 2015, 00:18

Sheep shit doesn't "Clump" it scatters, like coffee beans, but not as tasty, known locally here as "Dillberries". LOL 🙂 that's why you never go Dillberry picking here, as you got to pick them off the sheep's ass. NASTY 🙂
3 June 2015, 01:00

Kerry, I've always tried to refrain from posting Australianisms on here wholly due to the "lost in translation" possibility. However, you've nailed this one, well done.
3 June 2015, 03:34