Boeing C-97A Stratofreighter
Photo 1 of 24
1 2 June 2015, 17:07 - Mensaje privado

a lot of time, a lot of difficulties as a result - my first model, which is not ashamed to show people😉
4 June 2015, 09:29

Very impressive work! My C-97A kit is still only an idea. Did you use the kit provided decals? I will have to modify mine for the 133rd ATG. Any clues you could give would be helpful. R./ Dutch
8 June 2015, 16:15

Dutch, at first I was planning to use the Airways Graphics AGM7-002 decals. Unfortunately, I didn't find it for sale. I had to use the provided decals. But I highly recommend not to repeat my mistake! Quality of decals is awful, even after applying varnish, decal crumbled into small pieces. If you do decide to use supplied decals, be sure to use any decals fix solutions.
8 June 2015, 17:00

beautiful, well done. i can not see any problem with the decals, so you master to resolve the problems.
15 January 2017, 20:01