Cuban MiG-21R
1 29 June 2015, 04:56

Thanks James. First time using PE. Managed to glue the instrument panel on right way around at least.
Julian I changed my mind about what scheme to make about 30 times but eventually ended up with the one that originally prompted me to buy the kit. Now that the instrument panel is on I can't go back because apparently Cuban Rs are the only ones with a black instrument panel.
11 July 2015, 15:00

I love the mig 21 and i have never seen a Cuban one, so count me in for this build
18 July 2015, 08:29

The ejection seat is most impressive Ben. I am getting the distinct impression the pilots didn't have much room in there. 🙂 👍.
18 July 2015, 10:20

Thanks guys. I've got two more Eduard Fishbed kits and I can't decide what to make them as but I think one will have to be natural metal. GDR or Polish maybe.
20 July 2015, 00:17