Sci Fi KitBash - Gun Ship - Zelle Fire
Photo 1 of 30
1 20 July 2015, 21:29

black bits on wings to be removed as is the fan tail at the back and tail dragger UC fitted, plus a few guns and weapons etc. 🙂
20 July 2015, 21:42

Cheers 🙂
I'm aiming for a Star Wars meets WW2, think I might call this one a Zelle Fire and British markings on it 😄
I have a Harrier and a Cobra in the same scale too for a German version 😉
21 July 2015, 00:26

If there is one thing I love about scale modelling, it is an imagination.;-/
Choppa, your an other one of the freaks that live here.
Thank God.!
21 July 2015, 01:10

well, moving along with this one but 1:72nd scale is quite fiddly and seat belts at this scale are tricky to scratch build, I thought I had cut them really finely but when I came to stick them on the seats they are monsters !! lol 😄
Anyhow, I suppose it's all moot once the Airfix glass goes on so I guess as long as I have an impression of a detailed cockpit that'll be good enough for me 🙂
24 July 2015, 01:17

Cheers Cliff & Uncle, a bit rough here and there but I feel like I'm "winning" so far 🙂
Not much detail in this kit and the pilots seem really small too, you get the seats and a flat console, that's it !
Painting 1:72 dials is very challenging 🙂
and Kerry, I've always liked a bit of OOB thinking (and modelling too haha 😄 )
24 July 2015, 01:39

it's all good practice 🙂
And besides, I'm "Building the Dream", according to the box 😄
24 July 2015, 01:53

Bit more progress, tail fan sawn off and modified as a lift fan and some blue tacking about just to make sure all is looking good etc 🙂
Without the wings it has a certain submarine quality 🙂
29 July 2015, 15:35

Zvezda T-90A Russian Main Battle Tank - building process | Album by Zarem (1:72) 🙂
29 July 2015, 15:53

Do you have a sketch for this one? Can you show it? Or the intrigue must be held till the completion? 🙂
29 July 2015, 16:04

I'm putting my sketch ideas here -
World War 2.1 Concepts and Builds :) | Album by Choppa Nutta
I've taken a few ideas from the sketches but I am more or less sketching in plastic for this one 🙂
But I could certainly do a proper sketch etc. once I've finished if you like 🙂
I have this vague notion of doing the final reveal like a few pages from a graphic novel, draw in a few characters and speech bubbles etc. and tell a silly wee story, Garden Wars or some such 😄
29 July 2015, 16:13

@Choppa - Haha, such a reveal would be great, and quite suitable for the subject 🙂 The right amount of silliness and a good load of fun!
29 July 2015, 16:23

some green screen and photoshop, not really seen it done before, could be novel 🙂
did you have a look at the sketches Link ?
29 July 2015, 16:38

Some more progress on the wings and I've also got the basic kit of parts all sorted now so that helps 🙂
I can see myself doing a series of these "WW2.1 - NT edition" models 🙂
Gonna need to do a baddy for this puppy 🙂
Kits abused so far are
1/72 Spitfire, Gazelle, Huey, Cobra, Harrier and Kiowa.
1/48 Harrier and a 1/24 Little Nellie with some PE from a 1/32 Spitfire 🙂
31 July 2015, 23:33

Choppa, that it is really super awesome, really looking forward to see it finish
1 August 2015, 03:40

Cheers Antonio 👍
today I wrote a little 5 page story board for some comic sillyness for when I am finished 🙂
2 August 2015, 00:47

Choppa, this project you have here is developing nicely, and I still have no real idea of where it's going or what it's final looks will be, but stunning innovation all the way mate. 🙂 👍
2 August 2015, 00:53

Take a look at picture 9 and imagine the detailed wings of picture 11 on there,
add a tail wheel and two main wheels under the wings,
between the fuselage and rocket pods will be a pair of slim bombs on each side under the connecting spar, naturally 🙂
finished off with a Spitfire classic scheme of green & grey with yellow bits,
invasion stripes wrapped around the rocket pods and a sky blue band around the tail 😄
with a few more little details here & there, British markings from the Spitfire kit and you're there ! 🙂
2 August 2015, 01:09

Choppa, Thanks for that and now my 'minds eye' has tears in them. 🙂
That is an extraordinary concept mate, and it will most certainly draw a lot of attention here.
Like I said before.
I love your imagination mate, rich and healthy. 🙂 👍
2 August 2015, 01:15

Thank you kindly gentlemen 🙂
Dieter, it was the inspiration of your King Racer "straw" that broke my motivational "camels back" 😄
So thank you for shaking up my enthusiasm 👍
2 August 2015, 13:28

...Don't get all mushy on me Kerry 😉 😄
and cheers chaps, your encouragement is appreciated 🙂
Here's hoping the finish lives up to all the high praise thus far, I'll try my best for sure, and I'll try not to over weather this one 😄
2 August 2015, 14:02

A little bit more progress 🙂
A few photos of a dry run test fit before painting 🙂
6 August 2015, 06:57

Ah, so that's what you are, Zelle Fire...
Damn, that thing is menacing! 😄
6 August 2015, 10:07

Cheers chaps 👍
I'm 90% there !
Only 90% to go 😄
some more fine tuning of the fit required to get it all square, or at least as best I can, then it's fill the gaps in the canopy, mask and then painting, woo hoo 😄
6 August 2015, 16:39

Thought I would have a go writing and story boarding a small episode of WW2.1 - The NT Edition 🙂
Episode 1 - The Milk Run.
This aint sophisticated reading just in case expectations were running wild 😄
7 August 2015, 19:21

Just a silly bit of fun really, the idea is to replace the drawings with photos of the models and draw the characters properly onto it etc.
I just fancied having a go at a different way of presentation 🙂
8 August 2015, 20:25

Yay !! it's ready for some paint !! 🙂
guess which colour first 😄
12 August 2015, 23:05

I know what you mean. I have been thinking about building one of my Star Trek kits, but they are such a pain to paint, the last one I built I hand painted each tile on the saucer section and secondary hull, and light it with fiber optics, this was before the mini LEDS of today.
14 August 2015, 00:59

I can see myself doing a handful more like this, got a few 1/72 cheapo's waiting in the wings awaiting some animal experimentation 😄
I quite like the format though, take a second world war fighter and chop & blend with a heli
14 August 2015, 01:21

Fibre optics are better when used in conjunction with the LED. NO HEAT. !! 🙂
14 August 2015, 02:33

Interesting Kerry but how did we get onto the subject of Fibre Optics ? 😉
abyhow cheers again for all your encouragement 🙂
14 August 2015, 10:00

After a bout of hairbrush troubles, broken nib and farty sounds etc. and a homemade "extractor fan" later, some progress 😄
I'm doing a weee experiment with Sharpie Pen preshading and an unexpected results is the thinned primer reactivates the ink from the pen causing some blending, might be quite effective, especially with practice.
Anyhow camo next 🙂
"home Made" 😄
19 September 2015, 01:35

once took the time to look at it with amazement. very special. Cockpit looks very good. 👍👍👍
22 September 2015, 05:03

Nice looking original, and also great work in the cockpit, Choppa.
BTW, I like your homemade "extractor fan" hehehe
23 September 2015, 14:30

Never use Sharpies for anything that you'll paint over. It'll bleed through all layers of paint on top of it. Just look at when kids use Sharpies on a wall an the futil atempts to cover it up with paint.
23 September 2015, 16:44

Haha Urban, it does need some care but it's actually a cool simple way to do preshading, handy for the small scales too 🙂
Now that I've let the primer dry off for a couple of days it seems to have stabilized it and no issue with bleed when the camo went down. I did however get some flecks of dust in the paint annoyingly...... but I am happy to try the Sharpie preshade experiment again though judging by how it's worked so far, still room for improvement though 🙂
I think it's the alcohol based thinners that is making it bleed through because numerous layers of primer kept reactivating it, camo paint was thinned mostly with water and just a drop of thinner.
Cheers Rui 👍
23 September 2015, 17:01

It's like the man who jumped from the tenth floor, when he passed the fifth floor he yelled "So far it's going good!"...
23 September 2015, 18:15

Well it hasn't bled through the camo paint at all and the next coat is Future Klear.
Well anyway, we shall see in due course 🙂
23 September 2015, 18:26

There are some prophets of doom in scalemates about the use of markers, lol
23 September 2015, 18:54

I don't mind, I respect Urban's opinion as he does good work ! 🙂
still though, it's always worth experimenting with something you aint seen before and I aint seen preshading done quite like this before 🙂
23 September 2015, 23:45

And I also respect Urban, is good intentions and is excellent work. That was not the point.
I was just sending fuel to an interesting discussion that as been going on on another thread:
Schneider CA1 | Album by VelluS
Also, I agree that it's good to get out of the confort zone and experiment.
24 September 2015, 01:32

Here it comes dressing up in it's livery! The final straight of the build is one of the most exciting ones, really revarding to see the idea taking it's real form. Coming up really nice.
25 September 2015, 05:59

....... haha yes Pavel, 90% done and now only 90% to go 😄
.. bit more basic painting to do then chippings and then clear coat, decals weathering etc. and then final assemble, probably with a dry run or two in the middle somewhere 🙂
25 September 2015, 09:22

A dry fit after painting, needs some tidying up. masking didn't go as well as planned, oh well 🙂
Almost decal time 😄
1 October 2015, 15:16
Album info
Old 1:72 nd scale Airfix Gazelle and Spitfire to be meshed and bashed into a British WW 2.5 Gunship 🙂