British HMS X Craft Submarine
Photo 1 of 10
17 September 2015, 14:30

180 liegen an , Herr KaLeu! Das muß das Boot abkönnen...😢
Cool subject, Acki! These where the ones to sink the Tirpitz, am i right?
18 September 2015, 15:55

Nope Holger, Tirpitz was sunk by the Royal Air Force and not the Royal Navy. Special equipped Lancaster Squadron dropped Talboy bombs on Tirpitz two times. The Battleship finally sunk and heeled over on 12th November 1944.
More than one year before the Battleship was damaged by X-Crafts while lying at anchor in a Netzkasten (net box). Out of eight X-Craft only two lay their charges of two tons each and damaged the Battleship.
If you'd like to read more of the British attacks on Tirpitz you should take a look to this link:
See 2.3. British attacks on Tirpitz
Cheers, Christian
18 September 2015, 18:02

Done it. I´m not really satisfied with this kit but it´s ok for me. Some details are missing especially the holdings of the mines left/right. When I realized this it was to late so I added only wire to have a connection to the boat. Maybe nobody will notice this mistake and I won´t tell it.😉 The X-Craft didn´t sink the Tirpitz but damaged her badly (operation source). I tried a little bit in rust in this project but I still have to learn a lot. Thanks for looking! Hope you like what you see.
10 October 2015, 09:11

Hast du schick hinbekommen. Und die Fotos zusammen mit dem Bibber machen gut was her. Weiter so. Wäre ja was was du mit zum Stammtisch bringen könntest.
10 October 2015, 12:14

Danke Sebastian, aber ich glaube nicht, daß ein Modell den Transport überlebt.
10 October 2015, 17:48

Feinerle 👍 - Acki now it's time for you constructing a transport-box... 🙂
10 October 2015, 18:08

Thats a well worn and rusted x-craft! How was the build? The kit looks good to me!
11 October 2015, 08:03

Acki, I don´t like it! It is ugly, it looks worn, it is dirty. There are no lights and colors. Only grey, grey and grey. Bäääähhhh!
12 October 2015, 19:48

And now the truth: Acki, I like your X-Craft. It looks really fantastic. Maybe you put it into a Diorama? The X-Craft right for the shore coast of Normandy? ;-D
12 October 2015, 19:49

Thanks Christian, Holger and Arne. Very motivating. @Arne: in that case the mines weren´t needed.
12 October 2015, 20:28

U-Boote sehen im Modell ja manchmal etwas fade aus. Aber nicht den X-Craft. Die Alterung ist dir perfekt gelungen und macht das Modell so richtig lebendig.
17 October 2015, 23:05