1 30 November 2015, 10:55

One of my favourite TV-figures. I´m not to happy with the face but I´m not motivated to go further. So it´s ok for me.
30 November 2015, 11:01

Peter Falk, a great actor and he was Columbo. Thanks for sharing this kit, Acki! Well done!!
30 November 2015, 12:34

The lieutenat in the raincoat. A curious figure. Very well done.
30 November 2015, 22:35

Wonderful Work Acki ! Figurepainting still is something else for me......... 👍
1 December 2015, 07:44

Hi Acki. I saw the photo before I read anything and the immediate first impression facially was...
David Dickinson, so I know what you mean by the face, after about 2 seconds, cigar, mack, body stance etc, I realized it was Columbo. But to me that's why I like it, it's Columbo without being a mini me...
It's what modelling is about attracting your attention, making you think and raising a smile...
Well done Acki, EXCELLENT!!!
1 December 2015, 07:48

Thanks mates. Got this figure last Christmas from my Kids so I had to finish it.
7 December 2015, 10:48

Grundiert und für den Trenchcoat Highlight US Tanker. Für den Anzug Mahogany brown. Beides von Vallejo. Jeweils grau abgetönt für die Falten. Verschiedene Hautfarben für´s Gesicht. Den Bartschatten mit stark verdünntem grau.
6 January 2016, 19:48