Photo 1 of 15
2 7 January 2016, 15:09

180 liegen an Herr KaLeu!
Das muß das Boot abkönnen😢
Well done, Steve! I can smell the salty sea and feel nasty the storm ! Great idea with the rolling wave, love it!
7 January 2016, 15:22

Amazing, simply amazing! It really captures the intesity of a rough sea. 👍
7 January 2016, 15:55

Unbelievable. I can only stand back in admiration. The waves are so well done!
7 January 2016, 16:04

That is the most impressive maritime dio I've ever seen, most convincing !
@Holger :" So´n Wetter, und dann kein Schiff unter'n Füßen..... und dann in jeder Hand 'nen schweren Koffer ! "
7 January 2016, 16:05

beautifully excecuted... can you give some details about how you did this?
7 January 2016, 16:51

Thank you guys.
The base was made from Styrofoam, paper strips and acrylic gel. After the gel was dry, I painted turquoise around the boat followed by the blue/gray which was blended into the turquoise. The bow wave, wake and deck/Limber Hole drainage was produced with cotton and acrylic gel.
7 January 2016, 19:55

Well, seems to me a this is a very good start into 2016 with ship modeling here on Scalemates. Ingmars Arleigh Burke, Yaris Big E, Scotts Kirov, and so on. And now this amazing, dramatic and much lifelike seascape showing a Typ VII hunting for the next Convoy on a cold and stormy November day in 1943 in North Atlantic waters.
I lift my head of your much inspiring work Steve!
I guess we all are much interest how you stick the boat into that Styrofoam board Do you use paper mache or just paper towel soaked in acrylic gel to create the waves rolling over the boat?!
Cheers, Christian
7 January 2016, 21:17

Die wie vielte Feindfahrt Johann? Die neente Herr KaLeu, die neente!!!
Excellent presentation and excellent start for 2016!!! Love it! 👍
Youtube Video

7 January 2016, 21:28

Unbelievable. It looks so realistic. you're getting seasick when you look at it.👍👍👍
7 January 2016, 21:37

The boat is cut out of the styrofoam and the waves are shaped. I will add some WIP pics for you.
7 January 2016, 23:23

Wow!😮 What a great presentation - that's definitely my kind! 👍
@Christian Bruer: you better lift your hat instead of your head - that might hurt! 😉
8 January 2016, 06:04

Very cool Steve. The water adds a terrific sense of motion to a static model. It's eeri... Congrats!
8 January 2016, 06:11

Hehe, so impressed by this excellent work that I mixed the words😉
For sure Ulf I just lift my hat instead of my head to avoid my brain getting cold, wet or at the worst escape🙂
Steve, thx for sharing the WIP photos!
8 January 2016, 19:24

Just wow, and also thanks for the wip pics...the dio is just awesome!
8 January 2016, 22:04

You guys are awesome! Thank's for all your wonderful comments.
I hope some of you try a water base.
9 January 2016, 03:15

Somehow, looking at this build gives me the same feelings as observing a well-nurtured bonsai: the same amont of aestethical joy out of something miniature and natural.
Guys are right saying that it is well beyond mere modelling and into art. A three-dimensional classical oil painting.
Thank you for sharing it with us, and more thanks for the in-process shots to reassure us that it is totally doable 🙂
9 January 2016, 05:45

Hi Steve! That's a great build.
I've only just seen this for the first time, although I'm on daily I'm not on all day.
I particularly like your SEA, can I ask what method you used to construct the water??? I can see the basis of your achievment in the pics, but not the water itself. I'm impressed. I know how to do it, but as there are different recipes and methods of achieving the outcome, I'm intrigued to know yours. Is it just paint? have you used resin? did you mould the waters texture? or carve/sculpt it? I've followed your pics... BUT!!!
That swirl is fantastic Steve, I'm seriously impressed with the whole dio' 😮
9 January 2016, 08:54

Thanks Steve,
The effect wave effect is accomplished mainly by the paper strips and heavy acrylic gel. As I apply the paper strips with the gel, I add varying degrees of gel to sculpt ripples on the swells, same thing with the wake. I also air brushed turquoise and white in spots where I felt the water would be disturbed near the surface. The whitecaps were drybrushed and the everything had a final application of Future to add a wet look.
9 January 2016, 16:01

Many thanks for your kind response Steve, much appreciated... 👍 🙂
9 January 2016, 19:33

@Steve Wilson... You will have to ask Steve Luckinbill 😄 but IMHO in this case they are both Winners 👍
10 January 2016, 13:28

Rui S I think it is going after the Indianapolis😉
It's got a long way to go to catch her. Just an update, The Indy is at the Lexington museum and I will be writing them to see if they want the U-boat in a week or two.
10 January 2016, 15:47

Das Boot and some - somebody has probably said that already! Great setting and brilliant 'how to' pics - its certainly an eye catcher - well done.
10 January 2016, 18:21
Album info
Revell 1/144 Type VIIC/41 U-boat