Hellcat Mk. I JV-131, 800 Sqn FAA, HMS Emperor, Juni 1944
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1 22 February 2016, 09:02
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Hi Folks!
Just finished my next kit this month. It was very much fun and i really enjoyed the assembling. A really nice kit which i recommend to beginners as to semipros.
Mostly oob, i wanted the cowling-flaps open and constructed these flaps out of aluminium from an tealight.
Another plus were the brake lines.
I´ve done the paintjob without preshading and the weathering comes from lightened panels and Tamyia´s Smoke.
The exhaust plumes were made with candle smoke and eyeshadow.
Hope, you all like the Hellcat as much as I do 🙂
Comments are always welcome!
**Sorry for some bad english! Schooltime is years ago now 😉