Hasegawa F-5N VF-111
1 20 October 2016, 20:28

Nice, I done a similar scheme in 1/48th, unfortunately I sold her.
20 October 2016, 21:56

It's an old kit, but still looks nice. I think it has raised panel lines, if it does it will be getting a Re-scribe. LOL.
21 October 2016, 00:40

there he goes for the next one, Hey Cliff you're going Mach 2 with your hair on fire, LOL honestly how many time do you spend at your bench daily?
21 October 2016, 11:49

Yes it has raised panel lines, but looking at pictures of the real thing, the panel lines are not that evedient, so think I will just black base it and leave it as it is. Going to do the "Desert camo version". @ Germen I usually spend between 4-6 hrs at the bench, sometimes longer, depends on the "Honey do list". LOL.
21 October 2016, 23:37

Oh yeah, oldie but goldie! And in a scale for men! 🙂 Looks great so far, Cliffy!
Today, i have not much to do, so i hope i can spend some time at the bench.
3 November 2016, 14:09

Thank you. I hope you get some building time in. I painted the F-5 yesterday, so waiting for all to dry, then weathering.
4 November 2016, 14:57

I really managed to build a bit, yesterday. I painted the intake trunks of the F-14. But it became a mess. My XF-2 became brittle and i have to paint it again. The jar is very old, maybe the paint is no more in good condition...
4 November 2016, 15:53

@ Holger, yes paint can get to old and go bad. Augs I will get some WIP pictures up soon. I tried your suggestion for raised panel lines, priming the model black, then lightly sanding the panel lines after painting. I rather like the results.
6 November 2016, 21:09

Wow she looks awesome, and it seemed to take no time what so ever!!👍🙂
11 November 2016, 00:17

Thank you all very much.@ Michael, when that is all you basically do, it seems like it doesen't long. It took about 3 wks. LOL.
11 November 2016, 03:40

Cool Project Clifford!!! Have you erased the panellines or have you leaved them untouched? The camo is splendid!
11 November 2016, 07:29

@Cliffy, I don't often leave the house and modeling is all I have to do but I do more procrastinating then modeling. A lot of the time it is very hard to get going.🙁
11 November 2016, 22:00

Yes... it is that horrible thing that stops me from getting on with more modeling.🤔
12 November 2016, 07:58

Thank you all for your kind words. @Holger, the panel lines are still there, they are just very fine. I tried a method that Augie told me about. I primed the bird in black and then after painting I took some 1200 grit sandpaper and lightly sanded the panel lines, which brought them out. They are very pronounced on the belly, the top doesn't have that many. I guess they don't show up very well in the pictures, but you can see them quite well on the actual model. I too sometimes have a hard time getting motivated Michael. I have another "stealth" build going, and I have not touched it in a month. I put the Tamiya panel line wash on the wings, and it is still there, haven't taken it off. Hope it comes off.
12 November 2016, 21:07
Album info
Hasegawa's 1/32 F-5N Aggressor VF-111 Sundowners.