Ki-43-II Oscar (COMPLETED)

It's an interesting subject, beautiful aircraft with many camo choices. I built one last year, the kit requires some scratch for the cockpit but the real problem is the positive surface detail, that requires to be rescribed, this is VERY boring and time consuming.

But that is what makes modeling fun. LOL. There is no challenge to "shake and bake kits', the new Tamiya F-14 being the exception.

Hahaha! After taking a good look at the kit I have just ordered some seatbelts & the Eduard PE. The Montex masks offer some really cool schemes, I am having trouble choosing 🙂

So, work is under way! This kit just cries out for some detail so I have applied the Eduard PE set & primed.

TKS Cliff, more progress made today. The gloss varnish can dry overnight, apply the wash and then the fuselage halves can be joined 🙂

More progress is made, fuselage halves are together, wings are on & she is in primer.

Underside painted & silver has been painted where I need to do some chipping.

Thanks Cliff. I have made mistake by using a lacquer top-coat, instead of acrylic. So I don;t yet know if it will chip in the usual way ?!?!

lol TKS for the vote of confidence Cliff 🙂 No decals are being used as I am trying the masks from Montex for the first time. They are a bit fiddly to use but give a very realistic finish. No more work on this is planned now until after the holidays. Merry Xmas to all 🙂

Final reveal time & my first attempt at chipping. I learned a lot! For a very old kit, it built up in to a very nice model, and I am pleased with the result 🙂 I think the PE & Montex masks helped a lot!

Cheers Cliff, I got there in the end. It was only meant to be a two week build that ended up taking five weeks!

I have been working on my "Scooter since Thanksgiving, and it still is not done". LOL.
Album info
The Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa (Peregrine Falcon) was a single-engine land-based tactical fighter used by the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force in World War II. The Army designation was "Army Type 1 Fighter; the Allied reporting name was "Oscar", but it was often called the "Army Zero" by American pilots because its certain resemblance to the Mitsubishi A6M Zero, the Imperial Japanese Navy's counterpart to the Ki-43. Both aircraft had generally similar layout and lines, and also used essentially the same Nakajima Sakae radial engine, with similar round cowlings and bubble-type canopies (the Oscar's being distinctly smaller and having much less framing than the A6M). While relatively easy for a trained eye to tell apart with the "finer" lines of the Ki-43's fuselage — especially towards the tail — and more tapered wing planform, in the heat of battle, and given the brief glimpses and distraction of combat, Allied aviators frequently mistakenly reported having fought "Zeros" in areas where there were no Navy fighte