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Henry Milton (milto7a7)

A break from the JABOS

Photo 1 of 11


7 January 2017, 19:38
really nice idea, and very well implemented
 8 January 2017, 10:01
Nice dio Henry.
 8 January 2017, 15:17
Henry Milton Autor
Thank you. For anyone looking to get lost in a kit, this one is it. 53 parts to the engine, 13 steps to build up the AA gun, you can not see it but the undercarriage has a winch, air and fuel tanks and some other stuff going on. The cab has a great deal of detail as well and the track is individual links. You get a great deal of modeling bang for your money with this kit.
 9 January 2017, 17:38
Holger Kranich
Wow, looks very good, Henry!
 9 January 2017, 17:47
Henry Milton Autor
Thank you. If you want to see more go to the link above and check out the full review at the AMPs website.
 10 January 2017, 14:24

Album info

Bronco sWS w/Flakveirling 38 AA gun mount. Trumpeter figures with hornet heads, stowage by value gear, verlinden and royal. The trees were scratch built using various gauges of wire and 2 part putty. You can see a full review at: amps-armor.org/Revie..?ID=3798&Type=FB

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