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Gary Brantley (texgunner)

Testors Republic P-47D Thunderbolt "Okie"

Photo 1 of 12


16 January 2017, 14:55
I was only saying this morning that I prefer the P-47 razorback to the bubble-top. Beautiful model – as usual Gary.
 16 January 2017, 16:46
Gary Brantley Autor
Thanks gorby! I have a bubbletop kit in the stash, the Monogram I believe. Maybe someday it'll get done too. I saw a P-47D and a Hellcat, taxi in front of me, maybe 50-60 feet away, at an airshow a few years back. Man, those big radials just seemed to vibrate the very air around them. It was most impressive and the first time I'd seen either type. I appreciate your reply gorby. 🙂
 16 January 2017, 17:06
Danumurthi Mahendra
Great work on this one, Gary. I impressed and definitely motivated to finish mine. I have the same kit and lost all the steam to move forward. Seeing yours makes me want to open the box again.
 17 January 2017, 01:18
Gary Brantley Autor
Thanks Danumurthi! I'm happy that you took a look at her! Would you build the razorback or go with the bubbletop version?
 17 January 2017, 01:41
Danumurthi Mahendra
I am going for the Bubbletop version. I saw a nice photo of an RAF P-47 serving in the Far East during WW2 and wanted to make that.
 17 January 2017, 09:13
John Thomas
Nice JUG
 17 January 2017, 12:44
Gary Brantley Autor
@Danumurthi- I'm sure it will be a great looking model. I hope to see it around here!
Thank you John! I appreciate it a lot. 🙂
 17 January 2017, 13:28

Album info

This model, the Republic P-47D Razorback, a 1/48 scale Testors kit, was built many years ago. The build was inspired by one done by Dr. Paul Budzik in an old Finescale Modeller magazine. I remember that his was done in 1/32 and of course, was a magnificent model. I had the ancient Testors kit and was motivated to try and duplicate the bigger plane as best I could. This is my humble result. I added quite a bit of detail in the cockpit, on the engine and some brake lines. I lowered the horizontal stabilizers, opened the cowl flaps and drilled out the gun barrels as well. This kit had the option of building either the razorback or bubbletop version; I went with the razorback because that part seemed to fit a little better. ???? This was also one of the first builds where I tried to modulate the paint finish a bit but it is almost unseen in the pics. I'm sure I was too timid in my efforts. The decals mark her as a 84th Fighter Squadron plane with the 78th Fighter Group, operating out of Duxford, Cambridge in 19

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