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Bill Spargo (hustler)

SPITFIRE Mk 5b, ANV, Tamiya 48th Scale

Photo 1 of 10


19 February 2017, 00:30
Michael Hickey
Howdy Billy Boy, that is still a very nice looking desert Spitty.👍👍👍
 19 February 2017, 00:55
Bill Spargo Autor
Thanks Mikey, i enjoyed building the Spitfires.
 19 February 2017, 01:03
It's a stunner Bill. Very nice camo.
 19 February 2017, 16:33
Bill Spargo Autor
Thanks guys it was enjoyable to to build and paint. One thing I would do differently if i built another would be not to use the flat coat from MICRO ,it was my first time using it (i built 6 Spits at the time and used the stuff on all of them. Its a personal thing I didnt like it back in 1996 )
 19 February 2017, 22:18
very nicely done.
 20 February 2017, 19:57
Geoff Nadin
What's the problem with the MICRO flat coat, Bill?
 21 February 2017, 00:47
Bill Spargo Autor
Hi Geoff, It probably is me thats the problem here. This was the first time I used the MIRCO matt varnish and i felt it was too thick in its application. In all fairness this was 1996 and I probably didnt mix it in the correct ratio or at least too much matt to water. There is slight rippling in the matt surface rather than being absolutely a flat smooth finish. Again i say it was was probably me that is the problem. Anyway i use GUNZE matt these days and I am very happy with the results.
 21 February 2017, 02:13
Gary Brantley
Bill, that is a great looking Spitfire! I love the paint work, first rate 👍. 🙂
 21 February 2017, 03:18
Geoff Nadin
Well, you wouldn't know from the photos, Bill. There's just the right level of very low sheen (I've seen some dreadful overkill with matt finishes, as I'm sure you have).
 21 February 2017, 05:01
Bill Spargo Autor
Thanks guys for your comments
 21 February 2017, 11:22

Album info

TAMIYA 48th Scale Kit No. 61033. Excellent kit to build, all joints are excellent with no gaps. Cockpit has been detailed with extra plumbing lines and cables, Seat belts added.

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