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Oleg Bogolei (Eire)


Photo 1 of 9


1 25 February 2017, 11:18
Nice work. Well done.
 25 February 2017, 11:28
Very nice Oleg!
 25 February 2017, 14:39
Stephan Ryll
very well done 👍
 25 February 2017, 16:08
Łukasz Gliński
Very nice, congrats
 25 February 2017, 21:06
Great job Oleg. Nice and colourfull Lynx - a star on every shelf.
 25 February 2017, 22:31
Oleg Bogolei Autor
thanks a lot! 🙂
 26 February 2017, 06:13
Christian Bruer
Very nice work on that colourfull Lynx👍
The surface details and overall quality of the kit seems to be good - how was the fit, went it together well?
 26 February 2017, 09:48
Oleg Bogolei Autor
yes, everything is good enought. good model. 🙂
 26 February 2017, 11:39
well done
 26 February 2017, 23:16
Dietmar Kollmann
Nice helo Oleg! Do you habe some pics of the interior? I´m interested by the Pavla set!
 27 February 2017, 07:28
Marcel Chmura
Looks really fantastic.
 27 February 2017, 07:32
Oleg Bogolei Autor
Dietmar Kollmann, i did interior not very good, and have lost the winch, so i closed all the doors)) The set is nice, especially if u can paint a resin dush board better when i can do). but at the weekend i can try to take photo of the interior frough one of the doors, which is not fixed.
 27 February 2017, 18:58
Filip Lattre
Looks great 😉
 27 February 2017, 19:46
Dietmar Kollmann
Thanks for the answer, Oleg!
 28 February 2017, 04:39
Ulf Petersen
Very nice Lynx, Oleg!👍
 28 February 2017, 06:37
Harry Eder
Well done Oleg 👍
 28 February 2017, 06:45
Oleg Smilyk
Great looks!!!!
 18 May 2017, 07:38
Marcel Chmura
That, s a very nice Lynx Oleg.
 22 May 2017, 19:49
Oleg Bogolei Autor
thanks a lot!)
 28 May 2017, 18:47

Project info

9 imágenes
1:72 Westland Lynx HAS.3 (HobbyBoss 87237)1:72 Westland Lynx HAS.2 Interior (Pavla Models C72084)1:72 Westland Lynx BERP rotor blades (Pavla Models U72-110)3+

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