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Christopher Bartholomew (cbarthol4677)

Ferrari 412T2 - MFH 1/20


7 April 2017, 00:09
Steve Wilson
Great build Chris... representing one of the cassics of the 90's!!! 😎
 7 April 2017, 06:53
Holger Kranich
That have been cars! Great build!
 7 April 2017, 07:35
Steve Wilson
Where the 'L has my L in Classics gone??? ((( 😄 )))
 7 April 2017, 08:15
Roberto Rocat
Nice one.
 7 April 2017, 15:11
very nice! excellent finish.
 7 April 2017, 19:17
Pierre Perreault
Nice! 🙂
 7 April 2017, 21:23
Stefan Kie
Very nice, is this model still available?
 8 April 2017, 16:13
Steve Wilson
Hi MrLongSir... search eBay and the web in general, you might be lucky to find someone selling it.
If you don't check regularly, they do come up... good luck!!! 🙂
 8 April 2017, 18:09
Christopher Bartholomew Autor
Thanks for all the comments guys, much appreciated. If you have interest in the full WIP, it is on F1M here:
 9 April 2017, 12:32
Mike Thomas
Wow. Very nice work.
 9 April 2017, 13:04

Album info

The Ferrari 412T2, my favorite F1 car of all times!!!
Kit is from MFH, 1/20 scale. Beautiful kit, including lots of detail parts. Only needed to add/revise a couple things:
- Electrical connectors replaced with Top Studio parts
- CF decal for all parts that are CF on actual car.
- All body panels are removable, and held in place with magnets
Made a cart for holding the nose when not attached to the car.

All in all, pretty happy with the outcome.

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