2 24 April 2017, 22:39

Thank you all very much.@James I will be upset if it does wind up a tail sitter, I put 6oz , 200g of lead in the nose, on top of the nose wheel well and under the cockpit floor. My B-57B wound up a tail sitter with 100g in the nose, so I put the tail stand under it and super glued it to a dio. base. LOL.
26 April 2017, 00:03

Thanks Gordon. Fuselage is closed up,and I have assembaled engine nachells, and added panel lines and rivet detail to horozintal stabs.
26 April 2017, 17:54

Another great build Clifford! What color scheme are you thinking of going with?
26 April 2017, 19:55

Looking good! My 1:72 PR.9 had 26 grams of ballast, plus 12 grams of resin cockpit/nose up front and she sat on her nose wheel like a proper lady. I suspect yours will be OK with 200 grams! 🙂
26 April 2017, 20:02

Thank you all very much.@Bryn, I am going to do the Black and Grey, I believe.
28 April 2017, 14:55

The fit has been good, until I went to put the wings on. Huge gaps on the bottom side, but I think that it was me not the kit, as the wings on my B-57B fit just fine.
2 May 2017, 20:14

Thanks Martien. Hit a bit of a snag today, went to apply primer coat, and for some reason it orange peeled really bad. Must of been the weather, cool and rainy. Any way will have to sand it off, remove all the scratches and try again.
3 May 2017, 18:19

Thanks Dave. It got it,s clear coats today in prep for decals.Won,t get much done this next week as I will be in Calif. for a week.
7 May 2017, 22:49

They were poseable, all the control surfaces are, including the flaps. She is all painted now, Satin black undersides, with Medium sea gray upper surfaces. I applied the clear gloss coat today, so it is curing. Next decals.
8 May 2017, 00:18

Thanks Bill, decals in progress. I got a little behind. I was out in sunny Calif. for a week.
15 May 2017, 23:15

Sneaky &^%$ That does look superb buddy, has the promise of being your best yet.
19 May 2017, 22:30

Very nice work Clifford 👍 This will be another great model in your collection!
20 May 2017, 15:18

Beautiful, and it's not even finished! This was always one of my favorite aircraft at airshows 👍
20 May 2017, 15:49

Thank you all very much. I had to re-glue the lower fuselage today, clumsy me dropped it while removing the wash from the belly. It is now repaired and I have applied the pin wash to the black portions.
20 May 2017, 23:52

I put 8oz's of lead in the nose of this thing, and it is still a tail sitter. AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG! Guess it will be going on a base. LOL.
23 May 2017, 03:58

That much nose weight and only minor damage after you dropped it? That's a real solid construction you have there Cliff, respect! 👍 Too bad about the tail sitting though 🙁 but I'm sure you'll fix it
23 May 2017, 13:39

Thanks guys,and Gal. I will get it worked out. All the bits are on now, just need to do final weathering.
23 May 2017, 19:43

I want another one, they just released another one, which I could of built from this kit, as it contained the markings. I hope the new one has better decals though. Decals on this one,while useable were rather a pain. I am constructing a base for it, and have raided the spares box for some figures, so will be making it a Diorma.
24 May 2017, 19:30

Beautiful Canberra Clifford - like it very much! That should be one on my wishlist!
3 June 2017, 17:56

Thank you all very much. Your kind words are most appericated. A special thanks to you Aug's for the kit.
4 June 2017, 21:54

She looks really sweet, you did a magnificent job on her, well done mate.👍👍👍
5 June 2017, 01:00

Beautiful Clifford- that´s my favorite Canberra scheme, very nice build!
5 June 2017, 10:11

Thank you all very much. I have figures to add to the base just need to finish painting them.
5 June 2017, 22:08

Thanks Donald. It now has both tip tanks, and figures on the base. I will put some pictures up later. I am going tomorrow to an Air Show at Scott Air Force Base. The Thunder Birds will be there. Looking forward to it. They haven't had an airshow in 6 years.
10 June 2017, 02:32

Nice Clifford. I've looked at this kit many times, but I just don't remember the aircraft, so I don't have it on my list anymore.
11 June 2017, 01:35

Airfix just came out with a new one, It is this aircraft, but with new decals. One of the marking opitons for this kit, is the boxart for the new release. You can find it at Airfix or the hobbyshops on line. I went to an airshow yesterday and saw the Thunderbirds. There was a RAF Airbus A-400 there, 2 F-35's one of them came off the production line only 2 months ago. They were USAF F-35's so I think they were the "A" model. In real life it is a pretty wicked bird. There was also a B-2 Spirit. and a brand new C-130K. But my favoriate was a immacautley restored Mig-17 that stole the show. All the aircraft from the movie "TORA.TORA.TORA" were there also and they re-in acted the attack on Pearl Harbor, complete with loud explosions and big clouds of black smoke.
12 June 2017, 23:49

Hey Clifford, NICE build. I have been eyeing this kit myself. I am a BIG Canberra (R/WB-57F) fan. I have a couple in 1/72, but none in 1/48. Nice work. My production has been nil this year, been doing too much business travel and home (1:1) repairs. Keep up the great work, you're motivating us all. R/ Dutch
10 August 2017, 12:34

Thanks much Dutch. I plan on doing another one, but this one will be a USAF B-57A.
10 August 2017, 22:28

Yes either that or a NMF one with the Artic (RED) markings. I have an all black B-57B.
11 August 2017, 22:29
Album info
Airfix Canberra B.1/B2.0 This one is OOB.