SdKfz 140 Flakpanzer 38(t) (WIP)
20 25 April 2017, 23:10

Top work - I'm in because I have the kit in my stash too... 🙂 Your build is really an appetizer!
15 May 2017, 19:41

Hi, after two years, I'm picking up where I left and hope to finish the project this semester
7 March 2019, 01:05

Yes, not perfect yet, but I like it. I've been watching Night Shift's vídeos and trying to replicate his (wonderful) technique; it does take a lot of time.... 🙂
15 May 2020, 21:52

Impressive looking tracks... 👍 both in terms of outcome, and work-intensity... There are days I´m really happy planes (mostly) use whells 😄
18 July 2020, 14:56

About the small bolt heads (cast metal). Any tips for making them fit better? It sort of looks like the cast metal bolts go mostly on the outside, but perhaps they are supposed to somewhat fit into the cavity where the rods go?
10 October 2020, 11:31

Also, did you drill out the tracks before inserting the wire? Unsure if this is necessary, but I think I've heard others pointing out that drilling out the tracks might be necessary.
10 October 2020, 11:33

Drilling out the holes is useful. There sometimes are some casting burrs. I don't bother with the bolt heads, I just make sure the open ends are on the 'inside' of the tracsk, facing the hull of the tank.
10 October 2020, 14:21

Well, I made the wire a little shorter, so that there is a hole after the wire goes through, where the bolt half fits; this makes it easier to glue with CA gel and it looks better too; I did not drill the holes prior to inserting the wire, only those few where the wire wouldn't go through. Regarding Martin's suggestion, that is not possible because the tracks are not reversible, one of them will face outwards
10 October 2020, 19:14

Impressive ! I really like the way you treated the inside (engine, seat...).
15 October 2020, 11:54

Thank you - still some details to add, but it's almost there! 🙂
15 October 2020, 12:01

Tracks have been applied today, finishing off some oil applications and then I'll move to the base and figure painting & weathering
16 October 2020, 19:21

I'm sure you are exagerating a bit, but thank you anyway Paulo! 🙂
4 November 2020, 19:42

What colour did you use for the engine ?
I like your radio sets although I believe they were more of a greenish colour.
4 November 2020, 20:44

Sorry, I don't remember the color I used - it was some years ago and I did not take note; regarding the radio emitter/receiver pair, this was the best color I found in all pictures, so I went with gray
4 November 2020, 23:13

Hello mates, this one is now finished; please find the final photos (with or without base) here: SdKfz 140 Flakpanzer 38(t) - no base | Album by RReis (1:35) and here SdKfz 140 Flakpanzer 38(t) - with base | Album by RReis (1:35)
6 November 2020, 13:57

Bonito dio, com detalhes muito interessantes, como as revistas e o poster, entre outros. Modelo e figura muito bem executados e pintados. 👍
Só mais uma opinião sincera, julgo que o weathering no edifício podia ser mais intenso, com aspecto mais envelhecido/usado/empoeirado, pois a cor e o tom geral é muito homogéneo em todas as diferentes superfícies 🤔
6 November 2020, 14:17

Obrigado Rui; sim, o edifício não ficou muito sujo, mas acho que o principal problema é que ficou um pouco azulado - só me apercebi as fotos finais; enfim, tentarei fazer melhor na próxima!
6 November 2020, 14:31