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Sertac Bayar (SBayar)


Photo 1 of 27


6 June 2017, 14:14
Fantastic restoration work.
What manufacturer is the model kit from?
 7 June 2017, 09:32
excellent restoration! i really like the details in the cockpit and the wheel well, and of course the paint job is quite nice too!
 7 June 2017, 14:12
John Thomas
Nice work
 7 June 2017, 14:17
Łukasz Gliński
Great job, my Heller kit should get a similar treatment too.
 7 June 2017, 18:35
my old Matchbox too, but i am uncertain if it would survive 😛
 7 June 2017, 18:50
Łukasz Gliński
Depends on how strong the pipe drainers are sold at your local shops ;p
 8 June 2017, 15:36
ha ha ha ha 😄
 8 June 2017, 16:51
Sertac Bayar Autor
Hi friends. Thanks... It's a ESCI kit. Decal set sent from a friends at Greece.
 9 June 2017, 05:31
Thanks for your reply, Sertac. First marks from Desert Storm are from the ESCI kit?
 9 June 2017, 10:38
Sertac Bayar Autor
No. They are handmade by me 🙂 In 1994... I saw Matchbox kit. It was 1/72 and desert storm camo. And I paint this kit like that camo. I didn't find decalset of course 🙂 And I draw them with a permanent pen 🙂
 9 June 2017, 13:55
Sertac Bayar Autor
Maverick missles are from A-10 kit... After modified I used another weapons but I dont remember. I think CBU bombs from F-16C or D (Kinetic).
 9 June 2017, 13:59
Well done
 9 June 2017, 16:22
Very good job.
 11 June 2017, 11:12
Sertac Bayar Autor
Thanks 😉
 12 June 2017, 07:06

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