1 12 December 2017, 21:49

So this the Christmas Phantom? Quite sure you will knock it out of the park. 🙂
13 December 2017, 03:36

I absolutely love it when someone tackles an old kit, please keep posting and let us know your thoughts about it.
13 December 2017, 04:21

I got it all re-scribed today and started the pit. I used the Eduard RF-4C PE set for the Hasegawa kit. It is looking good, I will put up some pictures tomorrow. The cockpit sidewall detail in the kit was pretty nice. I noticed that even though it is in a Testor's box it has Iterali stamped inside the fuselage. So far fit is quite nice.
14 December 2017, 02:19

Hi Clifford don't wanna miss this build🙂. I'll take a seat and a beer or two 😉
14 December 2017, 11:30

Thank you Soheil, and Konrad. I finished the pit this morning, taking a break while paint dries. Full steam ahead tomorrow.
14 December 2017, 18:57

Tis one is now kind of on hold, my son will not be able to make it for Christmas, so I have a little more time. So I am going to order some resin wheels and seats.
15 December 2017, 19:12

Sorry to hear he wont be making it for Christmas. BUT, at least you dont have to rush it so much.
15 December 2017, 23:49

Thanks Michael. @ Patrick, I decided to save them for a later kit. They will show up again. LOL.
9 February 2018, 03:27

Decals are all finished and sealed, tomorrow starts weathering and final assembely.
9 February 2018, 22:39

Thank you all very much. I have to paint the resin seats, and add the nav lights. I have the Master metal pitot tubes and AOA vane for it. I have never used them, so am looking forward to seeing how they look.
11 February 2018, 23:44

Very nice Clifford. The Master Parts a great I use the parts on all my builds once available.
12 February 2018, 05:30

Cliff, the Master stuff is fantastic. Fairly low cost and almost always much more accurate than kit stuff.
12 February 2018, 12:09

I love Master Parts too. I use it for all my pitots and AoA sensors. Just drill an appropriate hole and voilá!
12 February 2018, 14:54

You jump started this project really well. Quick and beautiful!
12 February 2018, 20:18

Thank you all. I will be using the master parts on my future builds. I really like the detail, and you can't argue with the price.
13 February 2018, 00:10

IKR? Like 5-10 bucks for accurate METAL pitots and the like. No more snapping them in two putting them in a display case or transporting them etc etc
13 February 2018, 00:15

Thanks Donald and James. I haven't been able to do much on this one for awhile, a lot of other stuff going on. @ Donald. 4.49 from Spruebrothers.
15 February 2018, 23:37

But since you have chosen a very old work-intensive piece, respect 👍,
in another forum is just Vietnam topic, because I would then decide to go for a phantom, I think Wolfpack offers beautiful folding wings for, let's see ... still is time to start 😄
19 February 2018, 20:20

Thanks Jens. I have plenty of Phanthom's to build, I will give the Wolfpack wingfold set a look see.
19 February 2018, 20:30

A nice beast 🙂! By the way the folding set from Wolfpack is great! I've used it on my Navy Spook!
21 February 2018, 19:25

Thank you very much Konrad,Stephan James Michael Donald and Soren. Your kind words mean very much.
22 February 2018, 18:39
Album info
Testors 1/48 RF-4C/E. This one will be finished in Luftwaffe Markings. This will be another total Re-scribe. It is a Christmas Present for my oldest son, and I only have 12 days to build it. Fun!!!!!