Jay DubyaPlease sir, may I have more?
4 September 2019, 09:58
Olivier AutorIn due time, in due time...
4 September 2019, 12:25
NeulingLooking forward ..............
4 September 2019, 15:21
TeeageDid the maultier die? Lookes so far so good! I have some projects lying around too, waiting for a spark from the builder 😉
4 February 2021, 01:05
NeulingCool pic no. 1! Sun up or sun down?
4 February 2021, 09:14
Olivier AutorThanks Tini. I have to deal with it indeed. I want to do a snow diorama with it.
4 February 2021, 18:34
Olivier AutorNeuling, Untergang !
4 February 2021, 18:35
Dominik K.Nice picture of the Sd.Kfz.3c.
4 February 2021, 19:19
TeeageNice new pics, i will follow you, curious how it ends. Want to do something with snow too.
4 February 2021, 23:38
Olivier AutorI have some snow powder from Joefix and some snow terrain from AK. Will try all that some day. Problem is that I spend more time looking at other people's works that actually building and painting.
4 February 2021, 23:47
TeeageJe reste curieux 😉
4 February 2021, 23:49
Olivier AutorSpreek je Frans ? Heel goed !
4 February 2021, 23:52
TeeageUn tres petit peut, merci! Jouw Nederlands is ook geweldig.
4 February 2021, 23:55
Olivier AutorOn va pouvoir bien s'entendre.
5 February 2021, 00:05
TeeageIk weet het zeker
5 February 2021, 00:07
Dom S.Very interesting project!
5 February 2021, 16:48