Kinetic BAE Hawk 100
1 10 July 2018, 19:16

This "thing" is kicking my ass!!! Worst kit I have built for ages. More Pictures tomorrow. It is at least starting to look like an airplane.
19 July 2018, 21:15

Nice pit Cliffy, I'm sure you'll knock her out by the 9th round.;)👍
20 July 2018, 02:59

Thank you very much Michael and Spanjaard. I sure hope it comes out nice. Her markings will be from your neck of the woods, RAAF.
20 July 2018, 20:43

Cool. I've got about 3 Airfix Hawks in 1/48, 2 are defiantly going to be R.A.A.F and the other I'm thinking the Red Arrows.
21 July 2018, 02:19

I would like to do a Red Arrows one also. I got her primed, marble coat applied and first color applied. I have to wait for the paint to cure and add some exterior PE that I forgot to install. But am feeling better about the kit now.
21 July 2018, 20:54

Thanks Mikey. I got the missing PE on today and all the PE added to the seats. Tommorow second color and paint the seats. I also have to re-paint the gear legs, they are supposed to be Aircraft grey not white. LOL. Helps to check reference photo's first and not always follow the kits paint callouts. LOL.
23 July 2018, 00:45

Your choice on the color of the landing mate, as they are painted either white or Grey. I've got personal pictures showing both.
23 July 2018, 07:48

I repainted them grey. Final base colors on and clear coat applied. Will start Decals tomorrow, as well as upload some new pictures.
23 July 2018, 19:55

I think I put the bloody Roo's on wrong. More Pic's tomorrow I did not get to them today, other stuff came up. LOL.
25 July 2018, 01:50

Clifford the roos always face forward (either side) on the fuselage and always face forward with feet "inwards" top and bottom on the wings! But this can vary on some helicopters! on the bottom! always check photos!
25 July 2018, 02:52

Tea, I messed them up. I have the feet facing aft. I had read that the decal placement guide on the Kinetic kit were wrong, That the roo should face forward, so I just assumed that meant the feet shold face the trailing edge of the wing. DUHHHH. Oh well to late now. LOL.
25 July 2018, 19:24

Thank you very much James. Hope to start weathering tomorrow, as well as detail the landing gear.
27 July 2018, 03:11

You know Cliffy you were only a quarter of a turn out, and like James says she still looks great.👍
27 July 2018, 04:37

Thank you very much Mikey. She has her legs now. I pulled the tape off the canopy and half the paint came with it, so had to repaint the canopy. Otherwise all that is left is final assembely. I will take some more pictures tomorrow.
30 July 2018, 20:46

Thanks Mickey and Augie. Hopefully will finish it tomorrow.
1 August 2018, 02:30

Thank you Michael and Scott.@ Scott, I hope to do an Aussie F-111 some day. @ Michael, I have an AV-8B on the bench right now. After that it will be The Academy/MRC 1/48 MH-53E Sea Dragon.
9 August 2018, 16:34

Oooh, the Academy Sea Dragon!!! Now this I have to see. I love seeing completed models of this kit!
9 August 2018, 18:09

Yes it will be a beast of a build. Trying to decide if I am going to build it folded up or flight ready.
11 August 2018, 16:11

I would build it folded up, the Sea Dragon in particular really looks awesome in that state... plus it saves display room as well...
11 August 2018, 17:02

Thank you Christian, Scott are you asking about the MH-53 Sea Dragon? It will be finished in Navy Engine Grey, it is a Dark Grey almost black. It is from the war in Iraq. Michael, I agree I think I will do it folded up. Next decision is Mine sweeper or Troop Transport.
12 August 2018, 23:58

Just stunning work Clifford! I really like the ejection seats and the harnesses. It literally looks like you could climb in and tak6to the skies.
19 August 2018, 12:18
Album info
Kinetic's 1:32 Hawk 100'