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Clifford Keesler (stormrider509)

Monogram AV-8B Harrier


1 29 August 2018, 23:09
Nice going buddy, you did it proud !
 29 August 2018, 23:32
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Augie.
 29 August 2018, 23:35
Danumurthi Mahendra
Lots of AF goodies for the Harrier. Looks great!
 30 August 2018, 05:14
Wilfried Bogaerts
What a pace, another nice one Cliff! 👍
 30 August 2018, 08:35
Erik Leijdens
Nice one Clifford!
 30 August 2018, 09:02
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Danumurthi,Wilfried and Erik. Your kind words are much appericated. @ Wilfried, the building pace is about to slow way down, I have to have a hip replacement Sep. 14 so will be out of commission for awhile.
 30 August 2018, 12:02
Tim Heimer
Awesome work Cliff!
 30 August 2018, 13:41
Wim van der Luijt
Nice jump jet Clifford!
 30 August 2018, 14:20
Wilfried Bogaerts
All the best Cliff, you'll be back behind your modeling desk before you know it ! 👍
 30 August 2018, 18:14
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you Timothy and Wim, your comments are much appericated. Thank you Wilfried, I sure hope so.
 30 August 2018, 20:33
Alec K
Good luck with that hip Cliff 👍
 30 August 2018, 23:30
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Alec.
 1 September 2018, 00:26
Michael Hickey
Beautiful job on this one Cliffy, and I hope everything goes well with the hip operation and that you have a speedy recovery.🙂
 1 September 2018, 02:13
Daniel Phelps
Nice work Cliff, love it!
 1 September 2018, 05:20
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much.
 1 September 2018, 14:44
Miro Herold
A awesome Harrier
 16 September 2018, 15:32
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thanks Miro.
 16 September 2018, 15:36
Jos Jansen
Great job Clifford...awesome Harrier!
 16 September 2018, 16:28
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Jos.
 19 September 2018, 15:26
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much James. The surgery went very well and I am recovering quite nicely. Should be back at my work bench soon.
 24 September 2018, 16:12
Bryn Crandell
Very nice looking Harrier Cliff!
 24 September 2018, 17:21
Michael Phillips
That's a really nice Harrier Clifford! Really nice work on that camo too.
 24 September 2018, 19:20
Daniel Klink
Fantastic Built Clifford, hardly to believe its a Monogramm 🙂 and all the best for your personal recovery...
 24 September 2018, 19:26
Tim Heimer
So glad to hear that! now the long road of PT but you'll be fine! Congrats
 25 September 2018, 01:03
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Bryn,Michael and Daniel. Recovery is coming along well, I am able to walk around the block. Have no problems getting around the house. I believe I will try the stairs to my workroom this weekend, if all goes well will be back at my bench soon.
 25 September 2018, 18:59
Daniel Phelps
I say 2 thumbs up for Cliff
 26 September 2018, 03:57
Wim van der Luijt
good to hear that you are recovering well, building has always helped me a lot to recover after surgery so I hope to hear you made it to your bench soon....fingers crossed!
 26 September 2018, 06:40
Wilfried Bogaerts
Prosperous and speedy recovery Cliff! 👍
 26 September 2018, 08:04
Holger Kranich
Good recovery, Buddy!
 26 September 2018, 10:35
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you Daniel, Wim Wilfried and Holger. I was able to return to my workbench for a couple of hours today. I made a start on my next project, a Blue Angles A-4F Sky Hawk. I plan on starting the Acadmey 1:48 MH-53E next week.
 28 September 2018, 23:01
Scott Dutton
All credit to you for such a job on and old favourite
 28 September 2018, 23:16
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Scott. Except for the raised panel lines, it is a nice kit.
 29 September 2018, 23:12

Album info

Monogram 1/48 AV-8B Harrier.

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