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Clifford Keesler (stormrider509)

The Build


1 28 November 2018, 23:27
Greg Baker
O, I've seen this one on the shelf quite a bit... I always give it a second look in case it's suddenly changed from 1/48 to 1/72...😉
 28 November 2018, 23:49
Clifford Keesler Autor
Yea, us old farts have to build 1/48 or larger because we are blind. LOL.
 29 November 2018, 22:27
Wim van der Luijt
count me in for this one, why is there "RTB" on the box?
 30 November 2018, 09:00
Michael Hickey
Nice start Cliffy, looks like she's a bit of a Putty Queen.😢
 30 November 2018, 14:18
Tom ...
Ready To Build? Ready To Buy? Really Terrible Box? Rip To Build?
 30 November 2018, 17:55
Wim van der Luijt
racoons, toads & beavers?
 30 November 2018, 18:02
Greg Baker
Wim is always a poet of extraordinary talent.
 30 November 2018, 23:51
Wim van der Luijt
My speciality is Haiku's composed solely of swear words 😄
 1 December 2018, 08:58
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thanks guys, @ Michael, yes she was a bit of a putty queen. Wim RTB means Ready to build. When I get all the aftermarket for a particular kit, I mark it RTB,as I have at times bought the same aftermarket stuff, forgetting I have already bought it. So marking the kit lets me know that everthing I pan on using on the kit is in the box.
 1 December 2018, 21:56
Clifford Keesler Autor
It is primed now,ready for paint.
 1 December 2018, 21:57
Clifford Keesler Autor
Here she is all painted. Waiting for final assembley.
 17 December 2018, 21:08
Martin Oostrom
I agree with Greg, I want one in 1/72. Great build Clifford 👍
 17 December 2018, 21:27
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you Martin. I have a 1/72 one that I built several years ago, but can't remember who made it.
 17 December 2018, 22:01
Greg Baker
Starfix... it's got nothing on this one though... superb work!
 17 December 2018, 22:04
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much sir. Hopefully I will get it finished tomorrow. This was the first time I used an oil wash vs a pastel one.
 17 December 2018, 22:09
Michael Hickey
Looks very good Cliffy, can't wait to see her finished.👍
 17 December 2018, 23:08
Clifford Keesler Autor
Here she is all finished.
 18 December 2018, 21:55
Daniel Klink
Very Nice Talon Clifford 👍
 18 December 2018, 22:20
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Daniel.
 18 December 2018, 22:31
Daniel Klink
Well deserved.. Fantastic detailwork and a very clean and lively paintjob. Which is not so easy with all white objects
 18 December 2018, 22:37
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you again sir.
 18 December 2018, 23:14
Michael Hickey
Another one done Cliffy, well done. An eye catcher for sure.👍👍👍
 18 December 2018, 23:41
Michael Phillips
Great job on this one Clifford! As Daniel said, white is a tricky finish. You did a fine job with it!
 19 December 2018, 05:49
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Michael, and Michael. LOL that's a rhymer.
 22 December 2018, 18:06
Michael Phillips
Michael and I are going to start a law firm, Michael & Michael. Guaranteed to lose every case! But our office will be full of sweet models. 🙂
 22 December 2018, 22:53
Erik Leijdens
Damn nice work Clifford
 22 December 2018, 23:53
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Erik.
 23 December 2018, 03:14
Michael Hickey
Michael, if we don't have a lot of cases to work on we can have more time to build.🤔
 23 December 2018, 10:56
Clifford Keesler Autor
You have that right.
 23 December 2018, 20:55
Sneaky bugger where this one come from????????
 14 January 2019, 19:18
Clifford Keesler Autor
It was there from start to finish. LOL.
 15 January 2019, 00:30
Lol damn how the %^&* did I miss it!
 15 January 2019, 01:16
Greg Baker
Perhaps... it was too small. After the monster you've been building nothing below gigantic registers... I could probably build twelve 1/144 projects without you batting an eye...😉
 15 January 2019, 01:27
Lol maybe greg, maybe
 15 January 2019, 01:51
Clifford Keesler Autor
I admire you guys that can turn out such beautiful 1/144 stuff. I'm afraid to try 1/72. Though I do have a 1/144 DC-8.
 16 January 2019, 21:46
 19 March 2019, 19:37
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much.
 19 March 2019, 19:43
Konrad -
Hi Clifford very nice mate! I've built the same one in black with Holloman markings in flight Position 😉!
 19 March 2019, 21:54
Christian Bruer
Very nice work and finish 👍
 19 March 2019, 22:47
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you Konrad and Christian, much appericated. Konrad, I have plans on doing the one from Holloman, and the 2 new ones in the gray schemes.
 20 March 2019, 00:39
Konrad -
Thats indeed a good plan. I like this plane it looks very nice in these grey schemes!
 20 March 2019, 05:31
Jos Jansen
Excellent Talon...👍
 20 March 2019, 11:27
Bryn Crandell
Clifford, Another amazing bulid. The Talon looks amazing!
 20 March 2019, 16:58
Björn Svedberg
That is a beautiful plane, Clifford! 👍
 20 March 2019, 17:00
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Jos, Bryn and Bjorn, your kind words are very much appereicated.
 21 March 2019, 00:24

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