PLAAF J-11 Fighter
1 18 December 2018, 22:34

Finally some progress on this beast. I can not get over hoe big it is, I keep knocking it off the work bench. LOL.
23 December 2018, 21:10

Another Flanker 🙂. Looks like a Flanker plague here on Scalemates at the moment! Following Clifford!
24 December 2018, 07:34

Thanks Erik. I got the fuselage closed up. More pics soon.
28 December 2018, 01:25

Worst kit I have ever tried to build. Nothing fits right. But I will not be defeated. Pics tomorrow.
30 December 2018, 03:35

Looking good so far Clifford! Watching you wrangle this thing... This is a poor copy of the Academy, as is the Mini Hobby one I built a long time ago. I know your pain with the fit and the poor details. I am sure you will make it into something great!
30 December 2018, 03:39

I will have to raid the spare's box and modify some Sparrows into Chinese missiles as it only comes with a Russian loadout.
30 December 2018, 21:27

I dont think I have seen a single person say anything good about the fit on one of these. Glad I have ZERO desire to do Chi-Com stuff. But it looks like you are whipping it into shape!
4 January 2019, 01:55

I got the nozzels painted today, and the engine fairings primed today, I will put some new pictures up shortly.
5 January 2019, 23:23

It is starting to look like a Flanker. On the next one I will use a resin nose.@Donald, yes it's a dog but sure has put my building skills to the test. I will be getting the Hobby boss SU-27B and UB. They are in my price range, LOL,
5 January 2019, 23:49

You are making some nice progress Clifford! Yeah, I can fully recommend the HB Flankers, they may be a bit more expensive, but the fit is fantastic and the details are quite nice. Some errors, but nothing that bothers me really. Keep it up man!
6 January 2019, 02:05

I got the exhausht painted today, will put up some pictures tomorrow. I am starting to actually feel pretty good about the beast.
7 January 2019, 01:31

Clifford. I am wondering if there is anything by Eduard in the way of fins for the Russian missile range. ?
No criticizing what you have but I always felt that the fins on all aircraft missiles were 'out of scale'. 🙁 As the work you have done is screaming for that last little bit of 'detail' if you get my drift. 🙂 🙂
Just a 'thought' my brother. 👍 👍 👍
Kez. 😉
7 January 2019, 02:42

Yes they do and I have been looking at them as well as Resin weapons.
7 January 2019, 23:42

I ordered the Eduard Missile fins. Here is my attempt at the exhausht.
8 January 2019, 00:00

Looking so good Clifford. !
The 'end' result will be something spectacular mate. 👍 👍 👍
8 January 2019, 00:39

She is all primed, I will let it cure for 24 hrs. Finally got some work done on the undercarriage.
9 January 2019, 20:06

I got the bottom, top and horz and vertical stabs painted today. I will take some pictures tomorrow. It was dark and snowing when I finished, so the lighting was not real great.
11 January 2019, 23:35

Finished the pait today and got the Horozintal and vertical stabs installed. So next is some paint fading, weathering and then the clear coat.
14 January 2019, 03:39

'Swish'. ??? :-O OMG
'Brutal' for me. 😉
Clifford, lots to play with here, and no doubt, you will have us all thoroughly entertained. 👍 👍 👍
14 January 2019, 19:43

Thank you Michael, Augie and Kerry. The oddsey continues.
15 January 2019, 00:29

@Kerry, I decided to go with Eduard Brassin resin weapons, Waiting for them to arrive. Meanwhile I will try and get the landing gear and canopy finished.
15 January 2019, 00:40

Ah Ha. Brassin eh. ? !
Good choice Clifford. 😉
They will certainly compliment the work you have put into the build and give it that 'to scale' clarity.
15 January 2019, 00:48

Settle down there fella. !
Your builds are an inspiration and the reason why I am getting back into the aero kits again, as your work is something special mate and always a joy to look at. 👍
But thank you for those kind words buddy, they mean a lot. 👍 🙂 🙂 🙂
15 January 2019, 01:42

Yeah Cliffy, don't sell yourself short, you've build some real stunners over the years.🙂👍
15 January 2019, 01:50

Not saying Cliffys builds are no good but yours are great as well. That didn't come out to good did it.
15 January 2019, 01:53

I am really yet to see a model that has ever been less that awsome here. THE most talented lot of modellers the world has to offer, and all right here on SM. 👍 :-0
15 January 2019, 01:57

Honestly, a good amount of the time you guys make me feel like the kid who gets to sit at the adult table.😉
The Brassin stuff is awesome. I have found that the fins actually being to scale make them way thin and easy to break off.
15 January 2019, 02:13

Donald. If I may suggest a way to help the brass fin attachment create a strong bond. ?
After you have removed the plastic fins, mark where the brass fins are to be positioned and then create a grove that the brass fin can locate into, then dipping the edge of the fin in CA glue, place the fin in the grove you have created and let dry.
Almost like inscribing a panel line if you will.
Not a deep grove, but just enough to make sure it will not move around while your waiting for the CA glue to 'set'. 👍
15 January 2019, 03:45

Now that is an awesome tip sir! And another of those why the fudge did I not think of that?
15 January 2019, 04:29

I am just throwing out an idea Donald. 👍
It may or may not work, but it's just a 'light bulb' moment really. 😉
15 January 2019, 04:54

Me too. And thank you all for your kind words. I got all the post-shading and paint work done today on the main airframe. So now it is clear coat time. I will post new pic's. tomorrow. I will be glad when the weapons arrive.
16 January 2019, 21:36

All of you guys builds are outstanding, and Augie you amaze me with what you can do with a paint brush.
16 January 2019, 21:54

Thanks James. All the decals are on now, and the wash is done. I'm a little disappointed in the wash, did not take it as well as I had hope and it is to late to re-scribe it. LOL.
22 January 2019, 02:56

The light is near and you'll have another looker on the shelf.👍
22 January 2019, 05:09

Thank you Kerry Michael and Augie, you make me blush. LOL. Final assembely will start tomorrow. Many wee PE parts to add. I took a good look at my Mini Hobby SU-30MK's and SU-27UB. They are much better kits than this one was. Plus I have 3 Academy Flankers.
23 January 2019, 23:55

Thank you Martien, Michael and Stephan. I did not get anything done today, I am a bit under the weather. Will get it finished this week.
28 January 2019, 00:00

Feeling better today, hopefully will be back up to snuff soon. LOL. I decided to save the resin weapons for a better kit. I will try and thin the kits missile fins.
29 January 2019, 02:10

Hopefully I will finish it tomorrow. I had oral surgery yesterday and was kind of out of it today, slept most of the day. I swear I will get it finished, one way or the other. LOL.
30 January 2019, 01:11

We are all depending on you to carry the flag mate. But having a sore mouth is no party time. 🙁
30 January 2019, 02:11

A stunning result Cliff. All the metal effects make it truly extraordinary. Salute. 👍 👍 👍
30 January 2019, 19:52

Never a disappointment. Great work! Hope you feel 100% soon.
30 January 2019, 23:00

Thank you all very much. I am truly humbeled by your kind words. Thanks Donald, I hope I will too.
31 January 2019, 02:27

I am trying to figure out what to build next. I am leaning toward WWII maybe a P-61 or P-39.
31 January 2019, 02:33

Please excuse my prying eyes, but what about your Me 410 Pro-Modeller kit. I built it when she was first released and found it to be a real pleasure.🙂
31 January 2019, 02:50

I forgot all about that one. Sounds good. I think I also have the Pro Modeler TA-154 Moskito also.
31 January 2019, 03:51

That really turned out nice Clifford! Those markings look pretty cool on the dark gray,
1 February 2019, 18:03

Thank you Michael, means a lot coming from you. Yes it offered 2 color schemes a light gray or the darker gray, most of the reference photos I found showed them in the darker Gray, I think the light gray were earlier versions.
2 February 2019, 02:17
Album info
Mini Hobbies/Hobby Boss clone of China's version of the Flanker.