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13 June 2019, 01:13

OOHHHHH ! Very Nice ! My LEO Comrade To the Great White North ! Beauty of a Taurus !
13 June 2019, 01:19

Very nice build. I was sitting here waiting for Bob. I didnt want to take the LEO first comment rights 🙂
13 June 2019, 01:22

Thanks guys! @Bob I'm not actually a LEO, but I am a professional modeler and these are some of my commissions on the side. @Chris I'm not sure actually, my painter said it's the same as PSP colours. I'm uploading more soon
13 June 2019, 01:23

Me And James will collaborate In A joint Texas / Canada sweep of the scalemates Riff Raff ! *looking in Chris's direction* LOL !
13 June 2019, 01:25