F-16C 112th FS "Stingers" Ohio ANG
6 16 October 2019, 18:41

@Holger: Didn't know that we are in a competition!
17 October 2019, 07:49

Some progress after a longer pause caused by the job and some work in the garden. Nothing spectacular. put all the fuselage parts together, cleaned the seam line on the canopy, some dipping in Future, masking. Base paint on the missiles and the launch rails. She is almost ready for paint.
18 November 2019, 21:31

I hate to be the one to bring the bad news........but the scoop on the right side below the aft canopy should be facing back..... Sorry! It's a cooling vent and it vents avionics warmth into the airflow. Other than that: great progress! 👍
18 November 2019, 22:19

*facepalm* Thanks Patrick! I remember that I looked at my references to see if my version has this vent - only to mess up the direction. Well, should be easy to fix. I'm glad you noticed before I started to paint!
19 November 2019, 05:42

Pfewww! Glad that I could warn you in time and glad you can easily fix it! 👍
19 November 2019, 05:57

The missiles received their colors as well as a pin wash. Started to apply the decals after a coat of Aqua Gloss. A lot of decals to cut and place! 28 for one single AIM-120C. This will keep me busy the next evenings.
Regarding the blue markings I reverted to some leftover decals from my Tamiya F-14D, as the Two Bobs decals are to dark for my taste.
21 November 2019, 20:53

Small update: All the base paint is on. At the moment layer of Aqua Gloss is drying in preparation for the decals.
9 December 2019, 22:21

Small update: The Viper got it's coat of Have Glass V and some areas in Medium Grey. At the moment a layer of Aqua Gloss is drying in preparation for the decals.
9 December 2019, 22:22

This one looks good in the dark coloration. I like the markings as well.
10 December 2019, 23:20

Thank you guys! Glad you like it. This Habe Glass paint looks very interesting on the Viper, but it's very hard to capture its real look on camera. First decals went on very well. Micro Sol did it's job over night. It will take a some more evenings till all the decals are placed.
11 December 2019, 06:02

Great progress. Agree the HAVE Glass is hard to represent well in photos.
12 December 2019, 12:39

Welcome on board Jos! Not the fastest train at the moment.
15 December 2019, 00:41

Small update: All the walkway decals are on. Still a lot of tiny decals to add.
18 December 2019, 22:07

Very nice Ingmar.
One question regarding the front antennas, how did you mask them? Only with tapes?
Have to do it on my own Viper too and yours looks very sharp. Thanks
19 December 2019, 06:19

Hi Konrad. I did not mask them at all. I carefully painted them by hand. Went better than expected. I don't know if I could have masked them that good.
19 December 2019, 13:14

Thank you very much! That makes it not easier for me 😉! Will try it today evening will see how it turns out.
19 December 2019, 13:59

If you spill some of the lighter colour onto the darker base colour it's quiet easy to correct. Together with well defined surface details it's not to hard to get a clean paint job.
19 December 2019, 18:28

Thanks mate now I've tried and it looks not to bad. I'll show a pic soon. Looking forward to your feedback.
19 December 2019, 20:40

Even so, in real life those antennas have a bead of silicone caulking around them to prevent water intrusion. This caulking isn't always as neatly applied as should be. In scale a little spill isn't that inaccurate. 🙂
20 December 2019, 13:10

Thanks Patrick this should help on my painting skills. So I can say it is silicone to secure that no water comes in 😉!
20 December 2019, 15:13

Wow! This new F-35 camo looks great on the Viper! I am eager to see weathered Vipers of this camo.
2 January 2020, 19:50

Looking very cool and up to date, good call to keep it perfectly clean, just as the originals. Great Job!
2 January 2020, 23:18

Thank you mates!
@Daniel and Maciej: Normally I like to weather my planes, but in this case decided against it. To be honest I was thrilled enough by the challenge of replicating the Have Glass V color.
3 January 2020, 00:31

I always admire your clean and straight builds with just some subtle weathering or better said pronouncing the panellines and schadows in order to extract all details.
3 January 2020, 06:25

Servus Ingmar hab das gute Stück heute live in FFB begutachtet. Sieht in echt noch viel besser aus als auf den Fotos🙂! Wirklich klasse!
Euer Stand mit den ganzen Ausstellungsstücken ebenfalls😉!
29 February 2020, 19:36