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Clifford Keesler (stormrider509)

SCM 2019 Aggressor Group Build. F/A-18 VFC-12


1 2 November 2019, 20:22
Stephan Ryll
Nice pit Clifford 🙂 I'll take a seat 🙂
 2 November 2019, 20:27
Clifford Keesler Autor
Welcome aboard sir.
 2 November 2019, 20:30
Maciej Bellos
Grabbing a seat!
 2 November 2019, 21:25
Kangnam style? 😄 Nice start, watching
 2 November 2019, 21:32
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you Daniel, and welcome aboard to you and Maciej.
 2 November 2019, 23:03
Clifford Keesler Autor
Dang, I finally got the pit, pilot and seat finished, and got the fuselage halves joined. Pictures soon. Super slow progress on this one due to lack of bench time.
 9 November 2019, 01:51
Nathan Dempsey
Nice choice of markings Clifford. I hear ya about bench time!
 9 November 2019, 03:37
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Nathan and Roland. @ Nathan, yes maybe I will get some bench time next week.
 10 November 2019, 03:08
Patrick Hagelstein
Is there a front row seat left?
 10 November 2019, 06:28
Jos Jansen
...I join Patrick on the front row, absolutely!!
 10 November 2019, 10:47
Patrick Hagelstein
Want some popcorn, Jos? 😉
 10 November 2019, 16:15
Clifford Keesler Autor
Welcome guys. Hopefully I will get some work done on the thing tomorrow. LOL. I am also trying to get a FB-111A done for my son for Christmas. He worked on them when he was in the Air Force.
 11 November 2019, 02:02
Clifford Keesler Autor
Finally some progress on my SCM aggressor group build. Pilot is just stuck in for now. I will add shoulder harnesses and seat belts during final assembely.
 11 November 2019, 23:13
Patrick Hagelstein
That IS some progress for sure! 👍
 12 November 2019, 01:08
Stephan Ryll
Looking very good Clifford 👍
 12 November 2019, 19:25
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you Patrick and Stephan. Your kind words mean a lot.
 12 November 2019, 23:37
Clifford Keesler Autor
Hopefully this thing will get a coat of paint tomorrow.
 21 November 2019, 00:51
Clifford Keesler Autor
I finally got the belly painted at any rate. Some pictures tomorrow.
 22 November 2019, 01:52
Michael Hickey
The Bugs coming along nicely Cliffy.👍
 22 November 2019, 04:42
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Michael, for your kind words. This one is all pantied now, except for a patch of camo that I somehow missed. Did not find it until I was unmasking everything. So have to paint that spot and take some pictures.
 23 November 2019, 22:48
Clifford Keesler Autor
Decals done.
 30 November 2019, 23:20
Nathan Dempsey
That's looking nice Clifford.
 30 November 2019, 23:41
Maciej Bellos
Very nice Russian Hornet!
 30 November 2019, 23:45
Ooo thats looking good!
 1 December 2019, 01:06
Konrad -
Cool looking Legacy Clifford!!
 1 December 2019, 08:07
Jos Jansen
It's already a stunner!
 1 December 2019, 08:19
Stephan Ryll
Very cool looking bird Clifford 👍
 1 December 2019, 08:50
Wim van der Luijt
I like the low contrast between the colors in this scheme, you turned out another fine project Clifford!
 1 December 2019, 09:20
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you all for your very kind words. I am blushing. Hope to finish it soon.
 1 December 2019, 23:25
Patrick Hagelstein
Looking great! 👍
 2 December 2019, 02:11
Slavo Hazucha
Cheers Clifford - I´m back just in time not to miss your Aggressor contribution, looks well underway, will keep an eye on this one!
 2 December 2019, 11:32
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you Patrick and Slavo. Welcome back Slavo, good to see you again. I got the wheels and tires painted today and applied a wash to the landing gear struts. I hope to start weathering this bird tomorrow. I am also trying to build an FB-111A, a U.S.S. Arozina and a B-24D all at the same time. The other three builds are Christmas presents for my Son's.
 3 December 2019, 01:30
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much James.
 5 December 2019, 02:52
Clifford Keesler Autor
Wash on and off. It has legs now. Pictures soon.
 12 December 2019, 04:46
Michael Hickey
Wow Cliffy, what a stunner.👍👍👍
 13 December 2019, 02:26
Nathan Dempsey
Looking good with the legs on. Take a few pics of that B-24D if you get a chance.
 13 December 2019, 02:27
Stephan Ryll
Your bird is looking very good Clifford 👍
 13 December 2019, 16:21
Slavo Hazucha
This turned out especially nice Clifford - the early Flanker pattern on the Aggressor came out great, the almost blending color-tones and the wash create a really authentic looking final result. 👍
 13 December 2019, 17:29
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Michael, Nathan, Stephan and Slavo. Your kind words and compliments mean a lot. @ Nathan, I will get some pictures of the B-24 when I can, kind of been of pushing on the FB-111A and the U.S.S. Arizona. Hope to finish up this F-18 next week. @ Slavo, I used Valejo's paint for the camo. They are Flanker Blue, Flanker Blue-Gray, Flanker Light gray and Russian underside blue (faded). Excellent paints.
 14 December 2019, 04:44
Konrad -
Very nice work Clifford 👍!
Looking forward to your other „christmas" builds too 😉!
 14 December 2019, 06:47
Slavo Hazucha
My experience with Vallejos is not too lucky so far, but these do deserve credit - the outcome really looks spot on like a somewhat faded Su-27 flanker, good choice & execution!
 14 December 2019, 07:05
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Konrad and Slavo. @ Slavo, I use only the Model Air "black capped" ones for Airbrushing. I have developed a taste for Tamiya and Mission Models paint.
 15 December 2019, 20:14
Nice, I think I will get this model air set as well, colors seem to be a perfect match for the flanker!
also look great on a hornet 👍
 16 December 2019, 21:03
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Daniel. I have 3 sets of this color range. (have a few Flankers to build. LOL.)
 16 December 2019, 21:14
Clifford Keesler Autor
Finally finished. A Russian "BUG".
 28 December 2019, 20:51
Love it Clifford, I just started my second F-5 🙂
 28 December 2019, 20:52
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Augie. I also am getting ready to start another F-5. I think I am going to do an Air Force one instead of a Navy one.
 28 December 2019, 20:55
Both mine are airforce 🙂
 28 December 2019, 21:03
Clifford Keesler Autor
Yea all of mine a Navy. Need some Air Force. LOL.
 28 December 2019, 21:11
Nathan Dempsey
Nice work as usual Clifford. Looks great in those colors.
 29 December 2019, 05:37
Roland Sachsenhofer
Wonderful work Clifford!
 29 December 2019, 06:32
Slavo Hazucha
Red 11 turned out really great 👍 The way the desaturated camo colors & the wash blended into the final result just could not have worked better.

+ In a few months, I'll add another VFC 12 brother in arms
 29 December 2019, 06:37
Stephan Ryll
Very good work Clifford 👍
 29 December 2019, 09:55
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Nathan,Roland, Slavo , Stephan and James. Your kind words mean a lot, coming from such great modelers as yourselves.
 30 December 2019, 04:14
William O.
Excellent job on the hornet sir! Tub, painting, detailing, ect. all came out great 👍.
 22 February 2020, 02:58
Matthew Stec
Wow nice
 22 February 2020, 03:05
Sergej I
Wonderful blend of shades in gray and blue, looks very realistic!
 22 February 2020, 13:53
Jos Jansen
Hey Clifford, totally miss the reveal of your bug... it became a real stunner!
 22 February 2020, 16:46
arne vd burg
Very well done , I like it.
 22 February 2020, 20:06
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much William, Matthew, Sergej ,Jos and arne. Your kind words put a smile on my face. Would you believe the kit was only 10.00 U.S. and yes that is it's normal price. I have many in the stash. It sizes up exactly to the Monogram 1/48 F-18C, but has recessed details instead of raised. I did rob the canopy from the Monogram kit, as the canopy in the kit is one piece.
 23 February 2020, 00:22
Matthew Stec
10.00 that's better!
 23 February 2020, 02:19

Album info

Kagman's 1/48 F/A-18 Hornet, done in VFC-12 markings. This kit is not the dog it is cracked up to be. I compared it to the Monogram 1/48 F/A-18A/C kits. It is the same size as those kits. It has recessed panel lines and rivet detail. The only area that I see that is lacking is cockpit detail, mainly in that it has no sidewalls. I scratchbuilt those from sheet stock. The instrument panel is the same as the Monogram kit. I was going to use the PE set for the Hasegawa F-18A, but decided to use the decals from the Revell F-18E. They fit perfectly.

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