VJ 101
1 23 November 2019, 20:17

That´s very welcome, Lukasz! This kit claims its share of time, nothing can be taken for granted. A rather challenging part is drilling a hole into the sharp bow. But it could be done, I am keen to get some Alclad colors on the surfaces during the next days!
8 December 2019, 20:52

Wow, I'm jealous ! Always had an eye on this one, never dared so far......
I did'nt figure this to be an easy one, so I'm checkin' in, looking forward to be learning something .
8 December 2019, 21:26

Thank you Guy! A first layer of Alclad has been applied, pictures will follow soon.
13 December 2019, 06:51

The surfaces are still without any post-treatment, just a second coat of clear to seal the decals. The next step will be to work with a thin hollow brass tube that will support the open flaps and the interestingly extended turbine front parts. The kitparts are not really useful there.
21 December 2019, 15:52

Hallo Roland, möglicherweise ist Dir entgangen, das bei Deiner X1 Variante die Verdickung am Seitenleitwerk mit der Meßsonde, nicht vorhanden war. Das gab es nur an der X2. Das kann man aber bestimmt noch ändern.
Ich weiß das auch nur, weil ich das gleiche Modell auch gerade fast fertig habe. flugzeugforum.de/thr..ls-1-72.92295/page-3
22 December 2019, 20:06

Hallo Bernhard! Vielen Dank für diesen willkommenen Hinweis- ich hab das bis jetzt in keiner Weise bemerkt. Nach einer modellbauerischen Schrecksekunde habe ich mich durchgerungen, den -wohlgemerkt- schon fertigen Zustand Deinem Hinweis nach zu ändern. Danke, jetzt sieht das auch für mich viel besser aus!Auf Deine VJ 101 bin ich mehr als nur gespannt!
Hello Bernhard! Thank you for this welcome hint - I have not noticed it in any way so far. After a moment of shock and dismay, I decided to change the already finished condition according to your advice. Thank you, now it looks much better for me, too! I am more than just interested in your VJ 101!
23 December 2019, 19:49

Merry Christmas to all, mates!
Thank you Ben! Santa Claus just brought me the final pictures of this challenging project; by my standards I have put quite a lot of detail and scratch on this model, but that should not mean that this kit lacks quality! I t just a fine and ambitious kit which asks for time and patience to be build.
I hope you like the outcome.
25 December 2019, 09:24

Superb model Roland,
Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr. 🙂
25 December 2019, 10:09

Cool job Roland! The open intakes really turned out great & add some technical detail & contrast to the sleek prototype lines... 👍 Very nice little rarity you made there!
25 December 2019, 10:37

Bernd, Guy, Slavo: thank you for these very appreciated words! Bernd, if there would only be such kits.... Well, Planet Do 31 is worth considering!
Frohe Weihnachten- happy holidays!
25 December 2019, 12:09

Nice model and well photographed. 👍 The small change in the tail can not be seen. In the new year, such beautiful models continue. 🙂
By the way, my model will only be ready in the new year, because a part has disappeared and I only have to make it again.
25 December 2019, 16:01

Mates, your comments make me happy! Thank you very much for these appreciated words!
Bernhard, who does not know this! But you'll solve it masterly, I'm sure!
25 December 2019, 20:32

Beautiful ! Excellent NMF, especially on the engine nacelles 👍
26 December 2019, 16:06

Sharp and clean work on a unique aeroplane. Very well done Roland 👍
26 December 2019, 16:43

Genial - echt super geworden !! Excellent work. Enjoy your holidays.
26 December 2019, 18:06

Thank you for your words, which make me very happy- I am quite excited about your attention!
27 December 2019, 05:34