SR-71A Blackbird w/GTD-21B Drone build
20 28 November 2019, 13:27

Thank you Frank and I'm wondering too.
Treehugger, I don't know yet because I am not at that stage.
29 November 2019, 04:05

Thank you Łukasz. This is my first time with the metalizers. I hope I will not mess it up at the end.
30 November 2019, 04:33

Exhausts completed with metallic gray, brown, brown oils, clear blue and yellow.
8 January 2020, 11:44

I am wondering, how long is this model in 1:72 scale? I usually wonder about such things, when trying to figure out if I can place kit models inside any of my glass cabinets.
8 January 2020, 12:57

Thank you mate. Drone was painted with Alclad II dark and white aluminium.
9 January 2020, 05:31

Nimble fingers and a fertile mind make for some dramatic results. ! 👍
Simple but stunning. 😉
24 April 2020, 20:31

Thank you both.
Erik, unfortunately they are steady. Beside my efforts I can't manage to set up flicking leds. I am not good at electronics.
30 April 2020, 20:27

You can find flickering leds on eBay or inside so called safe tea candle lights, they have something built inside the led that makes it flicker.
30 April 2020, 20:41

Why do you want them to flicker? It will make the engines look like they are flaming out.
1 May 2020, 17:37

I was just interested to know what kind of leds Yavuz used, as I have used flickering leds for the V1 in my project Eugène Seghers
Project Eugène Seghers | Album by opadesmet (1:72) and for my Starfighter egg planes
Starfighter Egg Plane | Album by opadesmet (1:Egg) .
Whatever Yavuz used , it is Ok for me.
1 May 2020, 19:59

So I think it depends on what effect we wanted to create. This case I was lucky that unintentionally I used steady leds.
I appreciate all of you that you gave me different aspects of view which was really helpful for my future projects. Thank you guys.
2 May 2020, 07:41

I think working with metallics is time and masking tape consuming effort.
13 June 2020, 15:02

If I compare to painting a camouflage scheme I spent so many time and masking tape beyond my expectation.
13 June 2020, 17:31

Your setting a new standard in reality in plastics Yavus. 😉 👍
A lot of thought and planning has produced some excellent results. 👍 👍 👍
13 June 2020, 20:27

I am glad that you liked it. Thank you Kerry. I am still trying and learning somethings.
13 June 2020, 21:29

That's why I stick with this crazy hobby Yavus. As we can go nuts and every one supports you. hahahahahaha 🙂 👍
Just ask Choppa Nutta. !
He set the standard for us all when it comes to 'unusual'. 😉 😉 😉
14 June 2020, 01:17

nice work on the lighting of the engine. Looking good in metal, but no titanium colors?
19 August 2020, 08:16

Thank you for your comments Bart. For the time being I only use Vallejo 77.702 Duraluminium on vertical fin and some aft panels. May be I can add some titanium after black sections completion.
19 August 2020, 08:28

@Treehugger finally decals are set. In my opinion they look fine on metal look scheme.
27 August 2020, 19:20

Tamiya panel line accent Color black was used for some panels. Oil paints were used for weathering.
Next will be stand and it will be released in separate album as well as final result.
9 September 2020, 10:38

It remains as it is mate. Metallic paints seem like with out sealer. This was my first time working with Model Master Sealer and surprisingly it worked well with XF-85 as well. It also protects the paint against masking tape very well. I am fully satisfied and happy with this sealer.
10 September 2020, 08:28

Thank you for your support and feedbacks during building process. Final reveal pictures are released in an another album.
1 October 2020, 17:58

Very cool topic and finish, the black & metal combination came out really nice! 👍
2 October 2020, 13:28