1951 Chevy Bel Air
Photo 1 of 15
8 16 February 2020, 10:30

I had two '51 Chevrolet sedans many years ago.
I've often considered buying this kit to convert it to a four door model of one of my cars
21 April 2020, 22:16

Thanks Mates. Much appreciated.
Wilky, that would be a great challange!
28 April 2020, 18:50

You were doing fuel lines and battery cables 30 years ago? Impressive.
27 July 2022, 04:02

Thank you very much!
Bill, the first one I built about 30years ago. This one, the second chance for the same kit, I built in 2015.
It is interesting to see the skills over decades.
I will make some pictures from both side by side after my vacation
29 July 2022, 07:08

My Modelcar-GraveYard - the Cars | Album by Dominik (1:different)
If the links work, this is my former built from the same kit. It is still in my collection
29 July 2022, 16:10
Album info
1951 Chevy Bel Air
Whats about this Model.
The first one i built as a kit...i don't remember...perhaps thirty years ago?
This one, i would build completely different. The first one i have also in my collection.
The changes are:
- deformed front body directed
- lowered suspension
- scratch made fender skirts
- front and rear bumper adapted to the fenders
- panaellines from the doors on the inner panel corrected (matching to the door panellines)
- all windows adapted and installed from the outside
- front quarter Windows customized, also the frames
- Chrome trim on the Roof around removed and made from scratch
- bumpers painted with alclad Chrome
- BMF all other trim