Tamiya Honda NSX
7 27 February 2020, 12:14

Wow. Impressive. What kind of paints did you use for the body? Wet sand/polish?
Nice diorama garage too. How did you build that?
17 July 2020, 23:38

I'm going to start the same kit. How did you make the Type-R wing? I was going to make it myself with Milliput but is it sold after-market? Also which technique did you use to lower the car? Thanks
7 July 2021, 22:23

Thank you Jimmy & Dennis, so glad you like my NSX. The paints used is all automotive and the rear wing was scratch built using styrene and super glue. The full work in progress with details can be seen in this link: jdm24scale.com/honda-nsx
The clear was then wet sanded and polished, exactly as I've shown in this tutorial: jdm24scale.com/polishing-body
To lower the car, I also made a tutorial to show how I lower certain Tamiya kits. Have a look: jdm24scale.com/lowering-tamiya-kits
Finally, the garage diorama was scratch built and I have a link how I did this too: jdm24scale.com/jdm-garage
Hope that helps 🙂
8 July 2021, 06:05
Album info
Tamiya Honda NSX. More pictures below:
Full Work-in-progress: jdm24scale.com/honda-nsx
Completed: jdm24scale.com/honda-nsx-na1