1:72 Mig-15 work in progress
15 1 October 2020, 05:16

Wow, that cockpit! Amazing! You are exceptionally good at painting microscopic details. And super clean macro photos too.
14 October 2020, 20:33

Thank you. Cockpit panels are pre-painted photo-etched parts from eduard. They are included in the profipack editions.
15 October 2020, 05:21

Falk, yes I know, I have built this kit myself with these exact PE parts. But you still manage to paint all the other tiny stuff very neatly and cleanly, like the joystick, the throttle and the wiring on the walls.
15 October 2020, 06:48

Thank you, Jan. Finished the Mig today. Hope you all like the final result like i do. It was a nice and enjoyable build.
23 October 2020, 16:13
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Eduard #7057