F-89D/J Scorpion.
22 17 November 2020, 22:07

Applied black primer to all seam lines today, checking for gaps. Just a couple of small areas required a touch more putty. Hopefully tommorow it will be a complete airframe.
19 November 2020, 01:43

Welcome Maciej and Nathan. @ Nathan, this one will be a "D" model, the next one will be your "J" model which I will be starting soon.
19 November 2020, 04:47

This one is now a complete airframe, needs some putty on the wing roots and where the tip tanks meet the wings. I will try to get some pictures up soon.
21 November 2020, 01:28

Yes, but now the fun part starts, painting the beast. I think I will use either Vallejo metal colors or Tamiya chrome silver for this one, Want to save my Alclads and MM metalizers for the next one. Doing research though, the version I want to do with the decals you sent shows the bird painted in ADC Grey, but the color call outs on the decal sheet call for NMF for both aircraft.
22 November 2020, 04:40

Hmmm, I thought they were only in that grey very late in their service life.
I want to build an F-89D from the infamous "Battle of Palmdale" but it is going to require making my own markings. The other one I want to do is an F-89C lost over one of the Great Lakes during an intercept of an unknown target and never seen again. Still doing research on that one...
23 November 2020, 00:50

I have seen that video, on the one that went missing. I did not get any work done today, I fell last night and hit my head on the wall, and put a nasty gash in it that took a bunch of staples to close. I was in the hospital until 2:30 this afternoon, and just woke up a little while ago. Ouch!!!!
23 November 2020, 02:09

Thanks Nathan, I will. It was caused by my blood pressure mecedine, the old dosage was to high. I don't need as much anymore. Hell I'm just getting old. LOL.
23 November 2020, 02:28

Thanks Roland, I will. Felt much better today, Got this one masked up and ready for the "Artic Red" which I will shoot tomorrow.
24 November 2020, 02:28

Artic red painted. I get the red all painted, and then drop the darn thing and broke off the Left missile pod/drop tank. Re-installed, some touch up will be required. Friday will start the aluminium.
24 November 2020, 22:59

Quick update, she looks pretty in her gloss black "dress", I will let the primer cure for a couple of days then she will get her first coat of silver.
26 November 2020, 01:12

So, this one got a base coat of aluminium today, will get some pictures up tomorrow. Next different shades on some panels.
29 November 2020, 01:10

The paint is done, I am using a #2 lead pencil to accent the raised panel lines as well as add some weathering.
2 December 2020, 00:44

You always make these old kits look great. This is getting me so stoked to start mine.
2 December 2020, 01:31

Thank you very much Nathan, your kind words mean a lot. Especially coming from a modeler of your talents.
2 December 2020, 02:36

Paint work done, decals in progress. New pictures soon.
3 December 2020, 22:54

Decals are done, I worked on it all day, and ran out of daylight to take pictures.
5 December 2020, 01:53

Looks good Clifford! I have this kit in the stash too, but were will I put it when its done? 🙂
5 December 2020, 11:17

Welcome Donald. Thank you very much Augie, all of you guys kind words are very much appreciated.
6 December 2020, 03:23

That D Scorpion is nice Clifford. You have to love a kit where the first step is to join the fuselage halves and you feel like you're half done already 🙂
9 December 2020, 02:56

Thank you very much Nathan and Steve, your kind words mean a lot. I still need to paint and add the crew figures and navigation lights.
9 December 2020, 06:00

The next one will be a "J" armed with Genies and Falcons and totally re-scribed.
9 December 2020, 06:20

Nice Scorpion Cliffy, I remember I built this kit a couple of decades ago and found it to be most enjoyable.
9 December 2020, 23:10

Thank you Michael and Augie. @Michael, yes it was a joy. Now I need to find a 1/48 "C" model. LOL.
10 December 2020, 00:09

Nice work there Clifford. You've got me really wanting to build this kit. One of my local club members has one and is bringing it to me at our January club meeting. Woohoo!
14 December 2020, 15:36

Thank you very much Nathan, James and Nikolaos, your kind words mean a lot to me. @ Nathan go for it sir, you will be glad you did. I'm sure your's will put mine to shame. My "J" will be done in ADC grey and yellow. If you go to Airliners. Net you can find some good pictures of the version I am going to do. I started my Kitty Hawk Jaguar, but don't have any pictures yet. I glued the nose sections to the aft fuselage sections to give me 2 fuselage half's.
15 December 2020, 02:14
Album info
Revell's 1:48 F-89D/J Scorpion. This one will be a "D" version, with a "J" model to follow.