E-50 StandardpanzerVer : Diapositivas Mosaico Lista 1December 4, 2020All parts on the main hull, as well as some texturing applied with Tamiya Putty thinned with lacquer thinner 2December 7, 2020Main turret pieces assembled 3December 13, 2020Some bling in the form of photo etch was added, as well as some smaller details and texturing on the rangefinders. 4December 18, 2020All parts together, I love how it's shaping up 5March 5, 2021Finally some paint! I primed the kit with Mr. Mahogany Surfacer 1000 out of a rattle can. It sprayed beautifully and has a nice pre-shading color 6March 5, 2021I love how the photo-etched vents on the rear look with a paint layer 7March 7, 2021The kit's base coat of Dunkelgelb was mixed from about a 1:1.5 mixture of Tamiya Dunkelgelb and Flat White 8March 7, 2021The preshading of the primer worked nicely, and I'm pleased with the slight amount of color modulation already present on the model 9June 11, 2021Finally slapped some camo on this guy. The green color used was Vallejo Model Air Olivgrun mixed with a little bit of Vallejo Flat White 10June 11, 2021The camo pattern was very slightly based on that of the box-top, with swaths of camo on the body but none on the turret Comentarios 13 4 December 2020, 00:53Hekafi1932Nice! How do you like the kit? 13 December 2020, 08:57Luke Holsten AutorIts a pretty fun build, I've been pleasantly surprised at how well everything fit. Definitely recommend it 13 December 2020, 23:10Project infoE-50 Standardpanzer10 imágenes1:35En progresoTodos los álbumesVer todos los álbumes »