Piper L-4H, SMĚR 1:50 - Czechoslovak Air Force

I have a Free French L4 build in my projects based on the same kit. Your build looks very promising so far. I will definitely follow it !

Today I made a new fuselage and modified the shape of the wings.

Amazing, rescaling and scratch made add-ons, following with great interest! 👍

Great scratchbuild work on the Cub! Not sure how much of the original kit you are actually going use...

So far, I used the wings, the front of the fuselage and the fixed part of the rudder from the original kit ... and engine cylinders. 🙂

Did you look at the HobbyCraft kit ? It should be closer to scale, even if it would need modifications too.

to Boris Belay:
I chose the Směr kit because I have it available. The main reason why I chose this kit was that I participated with it in the group construction of Směr Kits at the Czech Modelforum. The condition for participation is the construction of any kit of the Směr brand. The scope of adjustments is not limited. 🙂

to Alec K:
Yes it's right. The Piper kit is a cover of the Heller kit with new decals for the Czech versions.

Piper's adjustments continue. I added details to the surface of the fuselage and wings and sprayed everything with surfacer.

Wow, this is very good work indeed, a superb kit correction with some serious scratch building. I really like the surface detail work (ribs etc) 👍

Yes it's right. I like modifications of old kits. It's the right modeling for me, which brings me joy 🙂

Coming along great 👍. Cool modeling stand - is that commercially available?

Thank you, Alec 🙂
The model stand is made by one modeler in the Czech Republic in his free time. I discovered the stand on the website of the Czech Modelforum. I am attaching a link to these pages here: modelforum.cz/viewto..?f=1016&t=136206
At this link it is possible to get more information about this modeling stand and agree on the production and delivery of the stand directly with the manufacturer.

A small shift in work on Piper. I continue to produce small details. I added some pictures to the photo album.

Very nice detailed work ! I will keep your build as a reference (even if personnaly I don't mind building a 1/50 scale kit instead ot 1/48). Very nice techniques for scratch-building.

If the kit was without big mistakes, I wouldn't mind the 1:50 scale too much. But there are so many things to fix that adjusting to a 1:48 scale isn't that much extra work. :-D

To Alec K:
There will be something to it. When I put the finished parts together without sticking together, it starts to look like Piper. 🙂

There was a small problem with spraying letters and numbers on the side of the plane, but I'm already working on fixing it.

Those engine cover are genius! Rotten luck on those numbers, but looks like you are on the road to recovery 😉

Repair of markings on the fuselage was successful 🙂 After repairing the marking, I continued to work on the tail surfaces ...

It's coming together well Ludvíku. I love that engine detail and the prop 👍

I haven't had much time for modeling lately, and work on Piper is progressing slowly. However, some progress has been made. As time allows, I work on the wing struts and landing gear.

Opravdu jste šikovný 🙂 I am so impressed with your skills and dedication to getting everything 'just right'.

Thank you for the compliment. It's a little skill to make model details, but really a lot of patience 🙂

After a long break, I continue working on Piper. He completed the wing struts and the assembly of control wires on the wings. I added photos from the work process to the photo album.

Very nice progress, it's almost done! I like those struts, a lot of great craftsmanship there 👍

I'm glad you like the model. Until the finals, it remains to make a landing gear and a few details.

I admire your determination and fantastic skills, Ludvik. I have the same model in my stash and now I know it has to wait for a loooong time to be assembled...;)

Thanks to Robert for the praise! I believe that when you build your Piper, it will be even better than mine. 🙂

I added new photos to the photo album. Today I made parts for the landing gear.

You are welcome, Ludvik - your modelling skills are beyond my natural possibilities...and patience 😉 Your detailing is over the top, absloutely.

to Alec K:
You are right, the rear wheel consists of 7 parts. ... and the complete main landing gear is composed of 20 parts. 🙂

to John:
Thank you for your praise, I appreciate it very much.

Still calling this a "Směr" model must be the overstatement of the year! 😄 👍 👍

Thank you Bruce! The original set is really bad. A lot of adjustments were needed to get a nice model. I really enjoy this way of building models. It's relaxation for me. In addition, I get a model that (in some cases) no one makes.

Piper is ready, photos of the finished model are in a separate photo album here: Piper L-4H, SMĚR 1:50 - Czechoslovak Air Force - COMPLETED | Album by KLuK (1:48)

Wow - what a huge amount of effort to convert a crude kit into a nice model of a Piper 👍

Thank you, Frank!
At the time I built my Piper, the SMER kit was the only kit available. I tried spray masks for the first time to create matrix markings. It didn't turn out quite right, but for my display case the result is sufficient.
If I were building a Piper today, I would go the same route as you. I would buy a kit from Special Hobby.
Album info
Although the scale on the box is 1:48, the kit is actually made in 1:50 scale. In addition, this kit is very inaccurate. A lot of the credit for this goes to the hull. It has the wrong shape at the bottom, too short transparent cabin parts, low fuselage between the end of the cabin glazing and the rudder...).
That's why I decided for a challenging rebuild with lots of sktrath - buil parts.
In the end, I used only the wings, the front fuselage, the upper transparent part of the cabin and the vertical tailplane to build the model from all the kit parts. And I modified these parts so that I could use them. All the other parts I made from scratch new.
And when I started such a demanding modification, I also adjusted the size of the model to 1:48 scale. With such a large scale of work, it wasn't even much extra work.