MyAlbumVer : Diapositivas Mosaico Lista 1March 11, 2021outside parts and add exhaust 2March 11, 2021add some texture to shell 3March 11, 2021airbrush a basic camo scheme and add decals 4March 11, 2021interior built up before weathering 5March 11, 2021paint interior white and add some details 6March 11, 2021guns are in 7March 11, 2021hatch detail and base coat for skis. I later painted in wood sections then did an off white overcoat and tried hairspray chipping for first time 8March 11, 2021weathering on interior before joining halves 9March 11, 2021weathered up the insides with stains and rust, using sponge for chipping and oils to blend 10March 11, 2021also took this time to add an LED to the roof for interior lighting 11March 11, 2021finished ball tank 12March 11, 2021gunners side 13March 11, 2021hatches mounted open 14March 11, 2021drivers side 15March 11, 2021goofy but fun project 16March 11, 2021low light time exposure to show interior lighting, battery is mounted in basic styrofoam base. Comentarios 19 11 March 2021, 17:54Spanjaardbeautiful job. excellent used look. 1 June 2021, 05:47Geoff DenyerThats amazing. 19 October 2023, 06:56BohrmannGreat job. I especially like the rust effects on the outer shells. 19 October 2023, 08:42Alberto MichielettoWow excellent work! 19 October 2023, 08:49NeulingInteresting. Good work! 19 October 2023, 09:03Album infosome steps along the way to completion of my ball tankBall Tank with Winter Ski16 imágenes1:35TerminadoTodos los álbumesVer todos los álbumes »