Hurricane mk.IIb Dutch east indies
76 1 April 2021, 12:27

I've picked this up again, wanted to start it a couple of times before, but got distracted by other kits😉
12 March 2023, 13:15

Great to see you picking this one up! I hope someday more pictures of Dutch East-Indies Hurricane's will appear, so few exist now, I believe 1 or 2?
19 March 2023, 14:50

Erik, it took some time, but I wanted to get it done now🙂
I also know of only two pictures of the hurricane in dutch service, in those hectic days taking pictures wasn't really a priority I guess.
Welcome Guy!
19 March 2023, 15:46

Here's an interesting blog on the hurricane used in the Netherlands Indies.
It seems the vokes filter was removed from some airframes in order to make it go faster.... So I can get away with building it without a filter 🙂
24 March 2023, 10:29

Another Vokes filter was pinched from the Eduard hurristory kit, as well as the plastic wheels from that kit. The vokes filter I had from revell was crooked, and didn't look right.
I guess I will be building at least one bob hurricane in the future 🙂
The wheels from the revell kit look wrong, the hubs are too big.
As the hurristory kit has a set of resin wheels I decided to steal the plastic wheels for this one.
26 March 2023, 17:05

Great progress Jan. You can sand the landing lights flush with the wing and polish them back to clear I guess.
1 April 2023, 21:13

Thanks Erik ☺️
The lights are quite flush, so I think it will be ok.
2 April 2023, 05:33

First paint is on, Sky type s by hataka.
My first time using this paint trough the airbrush, I must say I'm very pleased with it.
24 May 2023, 13:21

Decided to add the roundels to the underside, to be covered by the orange triangles
1 June 2023, 08:26

Looking good, love the orange triangles, and can't wait to see it finished.
1 June 2023, 09:46

Looking brilliant Jan. Great to see this classic kit given some TLC. PS Good music choice too! 🙂
4 June 2023, 18:59

that kit looks as good as the Arma Hobby I'll get me a chair...
22 June 2023, 09:53

Cheers Andy 🙂
I think it was the best before the Arma kit came along.
22 June 2023, 09:55

Thanks Robert ☺️ will do so, but I'm struggling to find the time to finish it.
22 June 2023, 16:11

Small update, tackled my pet hate, got the undercarriage on the hurricane🙂
5 July 2023, 12:46

Final pictures made, this is now finished and added to the collection🙂
18 July 2023, 12:38

well done Jan!...and yes, I chose a similar musical theme to my Arma Hobby build!
18 July 2023, 13:44

Mooi Jan !! Ik heb al een tijdje een Hurricane in de stash, en maar besloten deze ook als KNIL versie te bouwen
10 December 2023, 21:07

Dank je Bas
Deze stond al lang op mijn lijstje, nu afgevinkt 🙂
Thanks J35J
10 December 2023, 22:50

Zo te zien heeft jouw model meer vlieguren gemaakt dan de echte KNIL Hurricanes. 👍
11 December 2023, 07:26

Dank je Hans.
They did fly quite some missions though, must have been a hard life.
11 December 2023, 10:27
Album info
Music to go with this build:
"Rock you like a hurricane" by the Scorpions