M60A1 Reactive ArmorVer : Diapositivas Mosaico Lista 1April 14, 2021 2April 14, 2021 3April 14, 2021 4April 14, 2021 5April 14, 2021 6April 14, 2021 7April 14, 2021 8April 14, 2021 9April 14, 2021 Comentarios 10 14 April 2021, 00:05NeulingTop build. Painting and weathering are spot on. 👍 14 April 2021, 08:24Rui SAnother Beautty. Respect 👍 18 April 2021, 21:44Chip HTop notch! 19 April 2021, 06:44Ivan David Marino AutorThank for all your comments. I had a lot of issues with this one, but at the end was a nice project 19 April 2021, 15:01Chip HWhat were the issues? 26 April 2021, 10:34Project infoM60A19 imágenes1:35TerminadoTodos los álbumesVer todos los álbumes »